Modded expert queen bee help?


Official Terrarian
I'm new to forums and I need some help on where this would go. I got u could help that would be great:

so I've been playing through the calamity mod expert mode for a bit and I need help with fighting the queen bee. I've gotten her down to around 100 HP but I can't beat her. Here are my stats and items:
400 health
200 mana
27 defense (molten armor)
Menacing bloody worm tooth
Wild fungal clump
Quick spectre boots
Shield of Cthulhu
Spiked lucky horseshoe
Hurtful aorta
Enchanted sword
30 bone javelins remaining
Godly space gun
Bottled honey for healing

Remember that this is a modded play through so around 65% of the equipment I'm using comes from the calamity mod.
Uh. I'd reccomend to get some actual Health potions and get some Life Fruit, since you have access to Hardmode. I'd also recommend clearing out some nearby jungle, as Queen Bee is not confined to the hive. Other than that, I'd just try to use Grappling Hooks to dodge a lot.

Good luck! :happy:
If you don't mind using Magic weapons, the Night's Ray or Carnage Ray is great for the smaller bees. The Bladecrest Oathsword is awesome, too; It fires modified Demon Scythe projectiles.
Uh. I'd reccomend to get some actual Health potions and get some Life Fruit, since you have access to Hardmode. I'd also recommend clearing out some nearby jungle, as Queen Bee is not confined to the hive. Other than that, I'd just try to use Grappling Hooks to dodge a lot.

Good luck! :happy:
I don't have hardmode. What made you think I did? Also, I beat it by having a house for the nurse at the arena.
hide under a few blocks (the blocks in which the larva was on) and use your aorta, when she charges at you, get away under the blocks and dodge while hitting
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