Switch Moonlord prep?

you should build a long bridge of asphalt and use beetle armor. I'd use the daybreak or solar eruption but I'd use the daybreak for the eyes but the solar eruption for the core. just run along the bridge and fly over the projectiles with wings. Fishron wings are good but are pretty rare and they're from a really hard boss.
The obvious one is the Solar Eruption and Daybreak. If you don’t have a Daybreak, try the Scourge of the Corruptor. And for armor, wear a Chlorophyte helmet and Valhalla Knight Chestplate and leggings. If you’re doing this Singleplayer, swap your Obsidian/Ankh shield for a Paladin’s Shield. Don’t limit yourself to an arena. Hop in a UFO and use the whole world for your arena. You won’t need Campfires, as the Chestplate provides superior regen. I genuinely suck at Terraria, and this got me through it. Good luck!
Daybreak and SotC are bad weapons, try using the Solar Eruption for the whole fight.

Alternatively, don't use melee gear, it's the weakest class in HM lol (summoner is even worse in PHM, tho that changes with the Spider, Sanguine and Blade Staves)
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