Game Mechanics More post moonlord content


After you beat moonlord the map should expand in every direction, when this happens you unlock moonite ore which can be crafted into better armor. And it would give access to the titan lair wich let's you get better weapons and accessories and new weapons, than with a rare drop from those mobs you can summon mechanical cuthulu
Terraria is already a complete creation (we even have the ending), I am in favor of making the gameplay wider, but not longer.
Although I would love to see some NewGame+.
After you beat moonlord the map should expand in every direction, when this happens you unlock moonite ore which can be crafted into better armor. And it would give access to the titan lair wich let's you get better weapons and accessories and new weapons, than with a rare drop from those mobs you can summon mechanical cuthulu
Change it up a bit then yes!

not moonite ore.

titan lair, maaaybe? It would have to be small tho, so it is not an indestructible obstacles when exploring.

cthulhu: no, redigit will not allow this.

in total, yes to the title, no to most of the suggestions. Titan lair is a cool idea tho

a boss post moon lord would be good, just not cthulhu

more post moon lord items would have to be amazing QOL items, there are too many end game weapons. Infinite building reach and +50% digging and placing speed would be good.
At the risk of sounding rude... what does any of this mean? What is "moonite ore" and how is it different from Luminite? What would the "better armor" be? What is the "titan lair" and why should I want to go there? What are the new weapons and accessories you'd find there? What mobs are there? What is the rare drop? What is "mechanical Cthulhu?" And why should any of this be in the game?
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