Cant hit what ain't there!Ragged Casters, the pieces of crap. Come out of nowhere, blind you, by the time you get to them they're already somewhere else.
Yes yes they areFlying fish! They're not dangerous, they don't drop anything interesting, they're just there to ANNOY you.
Oh, so harpies are cool, but I am not? I feel offended.1. Diabolist
Just, ugh. Most of the health I’ve lost came from those teleporting bastards. Second only to paladins, but that’s understandable. And I couldn’t hate a paladin, I love their choice in weaponry and style
2. Wyvern
These guys are extreme trolls. On my small world, I end up with one hunting me down anywhere on the surface (along with harpies, but harpies are cool ). I mean, I went up a little hill, and saw that smirking excuse for a wyvern gliding down on me while I was still in molten.
3. Ragged Caster
While they are pretty easy to kill, I hate going blind in the process, especially with paladins and comandoes in the general area.
No likes paladinIt seems that three people think I am annoying.
...In sorry but this is so random and it's a question but im not sure how to make a thread and I would like to know how please help
Please don't make off topic posts. If you have a question use the search bar and if you can't find an answer then please PM a forum staff member. In my signature I have links to the Rules as well as the Forum User Guide. Please read through these before posting, thanksIn sorry but this is so random and it's a question but im not sure how to make a thread and I would like to know how please help