Weapons & Equip Mostly female vanity set suggestions


Some suggestions for extra vanity items, I'm mainly doing suggestions for typically female/feminine sets as i feel like they're a bit underrepresented :)
On another note: if i'd make some designs myself, is there a chance the developers might accept it? Have player-made designs ever been added ingame?

- An archetypical school uniform, alternatively a sailor uniform (please please please note that the example uniform has a bow)

- High buns hairstyle (I really miss a hairstyle ingame with is two high placed buns and bangs, i believe Toga from BNHA is a good reference for what i mean. the most important part for me is that the buns have a high placement and that both are visible.)

- mouth mask (for when you need to keep your gross stinky germs to yourself, even ingame. The colour could definitely be white, dropped by the Nurse at death)

- A Qipao (chinese dress, the colour of the example is red, but let's be real here it could be anything as long as you can dye it)

- A sari (come on would be dope, sold by the Dye Trader under specific circumstances for example)

- The Hairdresser's vanity set (let's all admit she's cute as hell)
- A pig mask, dropped by the Butcher
- Fabulous outfit for PC!
- Oktoberfest set for PC!

I hope these suggestions hit off well, I certainly would love seeing them added into the game one day!
I do agree there could be a lot more vanity sets, indeed. And these are pretty good ideas. I do think it's not thaaat super likely that things get in the vanilla game (yes, it happens sometimes, but not very often). I think it's more likely they would appear in mods. I did thought about tying to make modded armor/vanity too, but I didn't done any yet...
But, yeah, the idea is good.
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