Mythical Beasts & Where to Farm Them: Exploring Terraria's Bestiary

i think this enough criticism here

welp i'll probably be playing a lot of golf when 1.4 comes out. I like the golfer npc and if the zoologist can get you a dog, probably a cat, is the third pet a bird?
I have my own opinions on the matter regarding the new NPC and their design, but is this really the place to be discussing this?
I can understand the benefits of tying the bestiary to the world, Especially in multiplayer since everyone would have to grind less for the information, But I wish once you had that information it would carry over with the character regardless of what world they play on.

By contrast, Imagine if your research was tied to the Journey World you were in. Hopping between areas to verify what you're missing can be rather annoying, I'll likely just refer to the game wiki once it's fully updated. Still happy to see this finally implemented, I can finally clear Gelatinous World Tour.
I can understand the benefits of tying the bestiary to the world, Especially in multiplayer since everyone would have to grind less for the information, But I wish once you had that information it would carry over with the character regardless of what world they play on.

By contrast, Imagine if your research was tied to the Journey World you were in. Hopping between areas to verify what you're missing can be rather annoying, I'll likely just refer to the game wiki once it's fully updated. Still happy to see this finally implemented, I can finally clear Gelatinous World Tour.
Honestly the wiki was going to still be better regardless of if it was per-world or per-character, so personally I'm mostly interested in that shop-based rewards for filling it out.
Honestly the wiki was going to still be better regardless of if it was per-world or per-character, so personally I'm mostly interested in that shop-based rewards for filling it out.
I wonder if we'll still need to bring over the opposite world evil through seeds/red solution imported from another world, or if we'll be able to get them as an late-game snack. I'm kind of a purist, so I don't like taking characters to multiple worlds in one playthrough.
Silliness aside, I'm loving the bestiary, it's even better than the modded one, although I'm not sure what will happen with cheat sheet's bestiary now. In any case it's nice to have an NPC that provides pets for the player and cute vanities. Also for the next spoilers I'm going to assume one has to do with the golf mini game and the golfer NPC and details about master mode. Only one more week people, ONE MORE WEEK AND 1.4 WILL BE WITHIN OUR GRASP!!!!!!!
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A new NPC? And she is furry? SURE I LOVE SHE!! Take my money, all of my money please! And make me a time machine to travel May 16.
Don't feed the trolls, people. It only encourages their ignorant biases.

Some of them are coming from other social media to incite arguments. Just report their comments and let the staff sort it out.

Versattes and chippygamingsavior will not be posting again, so let their remarks fade into the past.
Well said
If you don't mind switching from the game to a wiki to get your information, the wiki will probably still have more in-depth information, so I guess its still a good choice for some players. Me, personally, I hated to do that. I was so glad when Re-Logic implemented the crafting help for "The Guide", because I didn't need to use the Wiki anymore... just to realize, I still didn't remember the way where to get some items, didn't know which mob to farm and anything like that. So, with Journeys End, I really gain some immersion... it's not only a quality of life-feature, for me, this bestiary is quite of a big step for the game itself. I love it. For me, this is easily the best new feature from anything we know about for now.
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Exciting.... Another lovely checklist to be had. Always loved it when a game had a beatipedia of sorts; adds a nice touch. Miss my pet slime already.

This might take a while. Wonder though if all the mobs will have banners now.... or do they already.... hmm... Well continuing to look forward with the update. :dryadgrin:
Solo 8 dias mas - tendremos mas spoilers hoy?
day 8.png
I know what I'll be doing in a week... You have to love a game that can still give you something new after 5000+ hours of playtime.

This and Journey mode are certainly a lot more... inviting news than 'Roid Rage Moon Lord;' I'm gettin' too old for those fights! :merchantsad:
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