Just a warning to anyone who wants to raise their crit chance. I got my crit chance up to 500% on melee weapons, and when I hit the enemy with them, my game crashes. I'm not sure if this is an issue with terraria itself or NTerraria, but regardless, be careful.
On a side note, it seems like what each skill does has been changed. Could anyone tell me what each stat affects? I have been able to figure out that strength seems to affect your weapons ability to pierce, although I have no idea what that means when I can get it to above 100%.
Also, on the topic of that bug, I did also have 500% pierce on my melee weapons too, so maybe that has something to do with it? Anyway, a description of what each stat affects would be great, thanks ^^
My ranger is at 2550~, and it has nothing to do with that (Have 5000% pierce), but I do think it has to do with the melee range part. The flying knife has problems staying in one place.
Stats, though? Here's a rough on what each does: (Green/Red=Big change, rest is slightly increased)
STR(Strength)- Melee damage
UP, Defense up
DEX(Dexterity)- Range Damage
UP, Melee damage up, Pierce% up*VIT(Vitality)- Defense
AGI(Agility)- Movement speed up, Dodge% up* (unconfirmed), Melee speed up
LUK(Luck)- Crit% up, Dodge% up(see above)
CHA(Charisma)- Summon damage
UP, Increased summon numbers (Every 25 CHA?)
INT(Intelligence)- Magic damage
UP, MP up,
MP cost up, Summon damage up
WIS(Wisdom)- MP cost
DOWN**, Magic damage up, MP up
* (intervals, not +1% or +1 for one point)
**(Unconfirmed, because levelling once brings mp to vanilla values; making it useless. Especially in freemode.)
I can't bother with changing it anymore. Save it somewhere, and keep it there until you guys know how to wiki.