Standalone N Terraria Mod: RPG, Races, Classes, Quests, and other things.

A better way would be to have a separate basic level class with similar properties rather than making the summoner the base class. A mimic for lack of better words.

I wouldn't mind that actually, that would also make me happy, and allow for summoner have some other second tier. That's not a bad way of handling it ^^
With the basic class giving forms such as slime, bunny and bat while upgraded classes giving access to either more humanoid forms (vampire, harpie, granite golem, etc) and another giving access to more beastly forms (antlion chaser, basilisk, tortoise, etc)
With the basic class giving forms such as slime, bunny and bat while upgraded classes giving access to either more humanoid forms (vampire, harpie, granite golem, etc) and another giving access to more beastly forms (antlion chaser, basilisk, tortoise, etc)
Wow, I never thought of that, that's a really cool idea! And maybe you could choose between enemy forms or summon forms, depending on your preference, but you couldn't have both, like summoner.
Wow, I never thought of that, that's a really cool idea! And maybe you could choose between enemy forms or summon forms, depending on your preference, but you couldn't have both, like summoner.

Problem is that such class would have nearly no support from any of the current weapons... Unless the humanoid forma CAN use weapons but the beastly forma give up weapons while transformed in exchange for far greater stats...

Still, the class is heavily dependant on skills to play as, just like the current acolyte class which has no weapons to aid its abilities... (Until spectre armor)
That's what I was thinking, human forms can use other weapons, but loses out on damage from the form itself, but the beast form has far greater stats, but cannot use anything but what the form provides, and what I was thinking was depending on the form you were in, your skills would change to fit the theme, like for example, a zombie might not get attacked by fellow night time mobs, and would have high damage at night, while say the raven staff allows infinite flight, and can call in support from fellow ravens (up to three) to help it fight, and so forth.
they sound like they should be races, not classes, and maybe for the shapeshift for the higher ups have (race specific)item drops that allow you to do it
The new mount skills are interesting, a shame that they don't add defense only offense and mobility...

Acolyte+Knight offers a double Bless skill, no idea how they work since both skills belong to different class levels... Do they stack or simply allow you to blesstwo instead of just one?
Bug: Plantera's hooks cause massive FPS drop. It's behavior is acting like it's getting hit (when unhittable), which causes many particles to fly out.

And when escaping from Plantera because of the FPS drop, it vanished on me despite of me not killing it.

So to fix that I had to let myself bask in the hook itself (This really isn't a fix)

In Freemode, but I am sure this can happen with other modes as well.

Additional info: The vines are WAY far away from where Plantera is, so maybe the plant hooks forgot "how to function"?

MORE INFO: Apparently fighting Plantera around 40 blocks above the underworld made it sane to fight with, but had no room. Thus, I died like an overconfident terrarian against crimson. Yeah, I started reading the tombstones now.
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Hey nakano15

Sorry if this has been answered before, I do my best to read most of the threads pages. Do you have an ETA on the server files?

I have no clue if these bugs were already reported, but
1. Putting a skill point into a skill creates massive lag spikes, which are only stopped when the player dies, and they then come back. (restarting Terraria fixes it, but resets the player and stats to level 1 darn, it wasn't fixed the next time I did it)
2. Putting 10 points into basic abilities only unlocked First Aid and (was playing as a goblin here) Gobline Logic [sic]. (can still change class, though)
3. A zombie dropped a gravestone. It contained your (Nakano) name and a death message. (obviously a bug)
4. One of my deaths had a different message on the gravestone, something about dead branches and water. I didn't even get to the dungeon yet.
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So how do we use the skills now? It used to be just slot them & use F1-F4 but now F1 doesn't used the first slotted skill.
It is F1-F4. More than likely, the fn(function key/lock) is on. Press F5 to see if you can refresh. Also, say what skill it is if the F#'s are working.
I dunno if it's just me, but Demon Scythes(the Demon race skill) seems incredibly OP... I one shot Skeletron with it, while holding a Grenade.

Maybe you should have it so that the strength of Demon Scythes are based off of your maximum mana instead of the strength of the weapon you're holding?
Just a warning to anyone who wants to raise their crit chance. I got my crit chance up to 500% on melee weapons, and when I hit the enemy with them, my game crashes. I'm not sure if this is an issue with terraria itself or NTerraria, but regardless, be careful.

On a side note, it seems like what each skill does has been changed. Could anyone tell me what each stat affects? I have been able to figure out that strength seems to affect your weapons ability to pierce, although I have no idea what that means when I can get it to above 100%.

Also, on the topic of that bug, I did also have 500% pierce on my melee weapons too, so maybe that has something to do with it? Anyway, a description of what each stat affects would be great, thanks ^^
I have no clue if these bugs were already reported, but
1. Putting a skill point into a skill creates massive lag spikes, which are only stopped when the player dies, and they then come back. (restarting Terraria fixes it, but resets the player and stats to level 1 darn, it wasn't fixed the next time I did it)
2. Putting 10 points into basic abilities only unlocked First Aid and (was playing as a goblin here) Gobline Logic [sic]. (can still change class, though)
3. A zombie dropped a gravestone. It contained your (Nakano) name and a death message. (obviously a bug)
4. One of my deaths had a different message on the gravestone, something about dead branches and water. I didn't even get to the dungeon yet.

Zombies drop special gravestones now. (atleast for me). They're kinda like jokes I guess? I find them kinda funny, :guidetongue:
Just a warning to anyone who wants to raise their crit chance. I got my crit chance up to 500% on melee weapons, and when I hit the enemy with them, my game crashes. I'm not sure if this is an issue with terraria itself or NTerraria, but regardless, be careful.

On a side note, it seems like what each skill does has been changed. Could anyone tell me what each stat affects? I have been able to figure out that strength seems to affect your weapons ability to pierce, although I have no idea what that means when I can get it to above 100%.

Also, on the topic of that bug, I did also have 500% pierce on my melee weapons too, so maybe that has something to do with it? Anyway, a description of what each stat affects would be great, thanks ^^

My ranger is at 2550~, and it has nothing to do with that (Have 5000% pierce), but I do think it has to do with the melee range part. The flying knife has problems staying in one place.

Stats, though? Here's a rough on what each does: (Green/Red=Big change, rest is slightly increased)

STR(Strength)- Melee damage UP, Defense up
DEX(Dexterity)- Range Damage UP, Melee damage up, Pierce% up*VIT(Vitality)- Defense UP, HP UP
AGI(Agility)- Movement speed up, Dodge% up* (unconfirmed), Melee speed up
LUK(Luck)- Crit% up, Dodge% up(see above)
CHA(Charisma)- Summon damage UP, Increased summon numbers (Every 25 CHA?)
INT(Intelligence)- Magic damage UP, MP up, MP cost up, Summon damage up
WIS(Wisdom)- MP cost DOWN**, Magic damage up, MP up

* (intervals, not +1% or +1 for one point)
**(Unconfirmed, because levelling once brings mp to vanilla values; making it useless. Especially in freemode.)

I can't bother with changing it anymore. Save it somewhere, and keep it there until you guys know how to wiki.
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WIS(Wisdom)- MP cost DOWN**, Magic damage up, MP up

**(Unconfirmed, because levelling once brings mp to vanilla values; making it useless. Especially in freemode.)


Wait, what? I have leveled up Wisdom a ton and never noticed this... I guess it's cause I was leveling up Intellegence at the same time...

By the way, what is the difference between regular RPG and freemode?
Edit/Add:I have slain the buggy Plantera, and didn't do the FPS drop. I am assuming that it came from the hooks, and why the vines went way over there. Try and fix the hooks, and the FPS drop should not exist. They like to live, even when Plantera is dead.

@thefinaluptake These are the stat bonuses based on V5, and I assume that it hasn't changed since then. Chances are that it isn't really in, kinda like dodge%.

RPG levels you to 150, and can be balanced easily. Freemode... has no cap limit, and will make you wish there was when you fight the bosses. I'm always 50/50 with Dex/Vit on my ranger (2000dex, 2654 vit VS Plantera), with full warding stuff on me. I just can't get rid of it when it comes to bosses, since they are horrifyingly high in levels.

I'm lvl2555, and the clicking gets so tedious, that I used a controller+mapping program to do my allocating stats (Which is WAY faster). Overall, if you like seeing big numbers, then this is the mode to go for.
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