Xbox One Need any hardmode items

Jason LivesVI

I desperately need weapons armor ect items for XB1. Will duplicate for u if someone could please help me. GT is Jason LivesVI msg me
I really need any good hardmode items please, all I have is cobalt stuff. So could someone please help me out ? GT is Jason LivesVI Or msg me on here thnx
I desperately need weapons armor ect items for XB1. Will duplicate for u if someone could please help me. GT is Jason LivesVI msg me
I really need any good hardmode items please, all I have is cobalt stuff. So could someone please help me out ? GT is Jason LivesVI Or msg me on here thnx
Hi @Jason LivesVI, I combined these two threads into one thread. Please don’t create multiple threads for the same topic, even if they are in different sections. Thanks. :)
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