PS4 Need someone to help me get most of everything in journey mode

I just want a world with all the stuff i used to have in journey mode so like i’m kinda asking for either someone to help me get everything or someone to give me everything because the grind is not something i have time for right now.
1) You can catch the same quest fish twice so when he asks for it again, you'll already have one. To catch 2 quest fish in a single day, you need to put 1 in the trash slot and then take it after you fished the second 1. I am not sure if this works anymore, but you can try.
2) Use different characters, so you can do multiple quests a day on the same world.
3) The next one is from reddit, u/AkihiroKaytama
  1. Get the quest fish
  2. Duplicate quest fish
  3. Give 1 of the quest fish to the angler
  4. Do the same as before, leave the game without saving the world data by leaving when it says its doing so.
  5. Start game back up and go to angler. If this is done correctly, the same quest will be marked as uncompleted still and you still have rewards from the last time, at the loss of that fish you gave him.
  6. Rince and repeat
To catch the fish faster: use better bait, use angler set(all 3 pieces are rewarded by the angler), fish in bigger ponds and use fishing potions. If you have some, use chum buckets(from blood moon enemies)

I hope this helps! :)
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