IC Neo Transpirence

(Well for your characters, Chir' is still on them.)
(In general, well...I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.)
(Aight, then. I've only got a few minutes [Like 5] to RP, then I'll be gone for an hour, then I'll come back. Capiche?)
-The Crimslime King is still hopping to the Crimson-
(I'm also guessing that Ulti and Stacy are no longer hunting Steven down, since I've been offline so long and you guys needed something to do in the meantime?)
(Aight, then. I've only got a few minutes [Like 5] to RP, then I'll be gone for an hour, then I'll come back. Capiche?)
-The Crimslime King is still hopping to the Crimson-
(I'm also guessing that Ulti and Stacy are no longer hunting Steven down, since I've been offline so long and you guys needed something to do in the meantime?)
(Also, ye.)
(Well the fact it just won't :red:ing end is absolutely a major part of why. Also I currently also just dislike Steven in general, and he might as well be invincible since that wouldn't make a :red:ing difference when comparing to this.)
(Well the fact it just won't :red:ing end is absolutely a major part of why. Also I currently also just dislike Steven in general, and he might as well be invincible since that wouldn't make a :red:ing difference when comparing to this.)
(But uh...Maybe you should've told him this previously?)
(Unless you already did, in which case, :/)
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