Weapons & Equip New Painting Items


Official Terrarian
TO crosspost

Tired of Tedit being incapable of painting without doing it manualy fist? Don;t use Tedit but stoll ant to make epid custom maps. Finding painting large area tedious. Well then Have I got some items for you

First off we have the Paint Bomb. This gadget is bade by crafting with a bomb and the paint of your choice, and instead of blowing up blocks in a certain radius, it instead splatters paint into that radius.

But wait, there's more! For people that either have large area to paint or an excuse to place the paint in Ammo slots we have, The Paint Cannon, this little baby works like the Clemtaminator, you load it up with paint and watch as it hits everything in its path over a massive range.

What do you think?
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