Single Thread RP Non-Fictional Nightmares

(Yes, it still is. It's kinda dead...definitely dead...
I do wanna revive it though. Do you still want to roleplay?)
(Keep on keeping on people.)
Name: Copy and Paste Zach Variation 3 (Roleplay Version V3)
Species: Human
Appearance: Black hair, [blue] T Shirt, elbow and knee pads, long blue jeans, brown belt. Rather short.
Personality: Charismatic and friendly when happy. Really serious when angry. Likes one-hit weapons. Ticks off pretty easily.
Equipment: Sledgehammer
Universal Ability: Telepathy when inside the Zachverse. No aging.
Strengths: Stronger when angry. When happy, doesn't get affected by small attacks.
Weaknesses: On the skinny side. Rather slow.
Hex code: #245ebd
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