tModLoader Official tModLoader Help Thread

I have a massive issue with tmodloader currently. There is no sound AT ALL, when connected to my (wireless) headphones. When connected to my (wireless) speaker, sound works perfectly fine. When my headphones are connected, and I have all audio enhancements turned off, sound works fine, but evidently sounds pretty bad. I've reinstalled, updated, tried betas, made sure its nothing volume related, this issue occurs with or without mods enabled, its not a windows 10 issue or any driver/update issues either as the tmodloader audio issue arose without anything being changed. One moment the game was working perfectly fine with audio, then next time i launched it, it had no audio. This started yesterday, and everytime i closed the game, i would get a .NET has stopped working error. I updated the .NET framework, and that issue was resolved. Now the audio issue persists, and its extremely infuriating. Could anyone please help me resolve this issue without being forced to play with terrible audio?

the fix with disabling audio enhancements can be found in this short steam thread. the 5th comment gives the solution. No Sound :: tModLoader General Discussions
EDIT: I copied another ExampleMod tile (the toilet) and it worked which is great! I just don't know why haha. This is no longer an urgent question but if anyone knows why this happened, I'm curious to know!

Original issue:
Hi! I have a silly issue with my first mod and first tile. It seems like for some reason, the tile displayed in the game only shows the single pixel in the bottom right of the spritesheet.
This is what it looks like in the game:

This is what the spritesheet looks like (lots of colors because I was trying to figure out what part of the spritesheet was being displayed). This is a 36x36 sheet. It did the same thing with the 16x16 sprite with only one flower.

My code is copied from ExampleMod- have tried multiple different items/tiles, I believe right now it's copying from the block.

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Terraria;
using Terraria.DataStructures;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.Localization;
using Terraria.ModLoader;
using Terraria.ObjectData;

namespace OcelotMod.Tiles
    public class cuteFlowerTile : ModTile

        public override void SetStaticDefaults()
            Main.tileSolid[Type] = false;
            Main.tileMergeDirt[Type] = false;
            Main.tileBlockLight[Type] = false;

            AddMapEntry(new Color(200, 200, 200));

            DustType = DustID.BubbleBurst_Pink;



using Terraria;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.ModLoader;
using OcelotMod.Tiles;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace OcelotMod.Items
    public class cuteFlower : ModItem
        // The Display Name and Tooltip of this item can be edited in the Localization/en-US_Mods.OcelotMod.hjson file.

        public override void SetDefaults()

            Item.value = 1;
            Item.width = 8;
            Item.height = 8;
            Item.useTime = 10;
            //Item.UseAnimation = 10;
            Item.autoReuse = true;
            //Item.consumable = true;
           //Item.UseAnimation and Item.consumable are commented out because tmodloader keeps saying they aren't valid methods in Item, but that's a secondary issue

            Item.createTile = ModContent.TileType<Tiles.cuteFlowerTile>();

        public override void AddRecipes()

            Recipe recipe = CreateRecipe();
            recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.Wood, 1);
            recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.Acorn, 1);

Any insight into what's going on is appreciated! Thank you!

New code:
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using System;
using Terraria;
using Terraria.DataStructures;
using Terraria.Enums;
using Terraria.GameContent;
using Terraria.GameContent.ObjectInteractions;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.Localization;
using Terraria.ModLoader;
using Terraria.ObjectData;

namespace OcelotMod.Tiles
    //Very similar to ExampleChair, but has special HitWire code and potentially additional AdjTiles
    public class cuteFlowerTile : ModTile
        public const int NextStyleHeight = 20; // Calculated by adding all CoordinateHeights + CoordinatePaddingFix.Y applied to all of them + 2
        // changed from 40
        public override void SetStaticDefaults()
            // Properties
            Main.tileFrameImportant[Type] = true;
            Main.tileNoAttach[Type] = true;
            Main.tileLavaDeath[Type] = true;

            // Names
            AddMapEntry(new Color(200, 200, 200), Language.GetText("MapObject.Toilet"));

            // Placement
            TileObjectData.newTile.CopyFrom(TileObjectData.Style1x1); // changed from 1x2
            TileObjectData.newTile.CoordinateHeights = new[] { 16, 18 };
            TileObjectData.newTile.CoordinatePaddingFix = new Point16(0, 2);


using Terraria;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.ModLoader;
using OcelotMod.Tiles;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace OcelotMod.Items
    public class cuteFlower : ModItem
        // The Display Name and Tooltip of this item can be edited in the Localization/en-US_Mods.OcelotMod.hjson file.

        public override void SetDefaults()

            // furniture that you can set on the ground and
            // has no physics

            Item.value = 1;
            Item.width = 12;
            Item.height = 12;

        public override void AddRecipes()
            // make out of 1 wood and 1 acorn
            Recipe recipe = CreateRecipe();
            recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.Wood, 1);
            recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.Acorn, 1);

Sprite is just 16x18 version of original sprite
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I'm pretty new to coding, I've ran into an issue and need some help.
Let's say I wanted to make an item turn into something else, via shimmer. How would I do that?
I've tried doing this:
        public override void AddRecipes()
            .AddIngredient(ModContent.ItemType<PenguinFeather>(), 1)
but that didn't work, unless I'm doing something wrong.
Any ideas?

(Holy crap I just figured it out 10 seconds after sending this lol.)
Making a boss with multiple parts, similar to skeletron/prime or any worm boss, how do I make this happen? I want the boss to have a central part, but also 14 other parts that all move together, and have individual hitboxes and healths

EDIT: Figured it out? So far I'm working with spawning the other segment NPCs, then making them draw from the original segment somehow, via an Owner.variable system
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Hey guys, looking to make a magic rifle (not actual magic lol) that can swap back and forth between automatic fire (machine gun style) and single shot fire (regular sniper rifle style) by pressing a key. Let's use T as an example. Obviously this can be done by just changing the 'use time' and 'damage' upon the the tap of the T key, but how do I actually do that? I'm new to making mods and coding so bear with me here please.
Can you help me, im using tmodloader and i cant get the NPC drop to work
heres the code btw

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Terraria;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.ModLoader;

namespace SkinsAndVanitys.Content.Drops
public class ModGlobalNPC : GlobalNPC
public override void NPCLoot(NPC npc)
if (npc.type == NPCID.LostGirl)
if (Main.rand.Next(10) == 0) //item rarity
Item.NewItem((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, npc.width, npc.height, mod.ItemType("LostGirlHead"));

what the error im dealing with
Error CS0115 : public override void NPCLoot(NPC)': no suitable method found to override
got an error while entering mod browser

[11:40:28] [1/ERROR] [Terraria]: System.NullReferenceException: Ссылка на объект не указывает на экземпляр объекта.
в Terraria.ModLoader.UI.UIMessageBox.RecalculateChildren()
в Terraria.UI.UIElement.Recalculate()
в Terraria.ModLoader.UI.UIMessageBox.Recalculate()
в Terraria.UI.UIElement.RecalculateChildren()
в Terraria.UI.UIElement.Recalculate()
в Terraria.UI.UIElement.RecalculateChildren()
в Terraria.UI.UIElement.Recalculate()
в Terraria.UI.UserInterface.SetState(UIState state)
в Terraria.ModLoader.UI.Interface.ModLoaderMenus(Main main, Int32 selectedMenu, String[] buttonNames, Single[] buttonScales, Int32[] buttonVerticalSpacing, Int32& offY, Int32& spacing, Int32& numButtons, Boolean& backButtonDown)
в Terraria.Main.DrawMenu(GameTime gameTime)
в Terraria.Main.DoDraw(GameTime gameTime)
в Terraria.Main.Draw(GameTime gameTime)

[11:40:28] [1/FATAL] [Terraria]: Main engine crash
System.NullReferenceException: Ссылка на объект не указывает на экземпляр объекта.
в Terraria.ModLoader.UI.UIMessageBox.RecalculateChildren()
в Terraria.UI.UIElement.Recalculate()
в Terraria.ModLoader.UI.UIMessageBox.Recalculate()
в Terraria.UI.UIElement.RecalculateChildren()
в Terraria.UI.UIElement.Recalculate()
в Terraria.UI.UIElement.RecalculateChildren()
в Terraria.UI.UIElement.Recalculate()
в Terraria.UI.UserInterface.SetState(UIState state)
в Terraria.ModLoader.UI.Interface.ModLoaderMenus(Main main, Int32 selectedMenu, String[] buttonNames, Single[] buttonScales, Int32[] buttonVerticalSpacing, Int32& offY, Int32& spacing, Int32& numButtons, Boolean& backButtonDown)
в Terraria.Main.DrawMenu(GameTime gameTime)
в Terraria.Main.DoDraw(GameTime gameTime)
в Terraria.Main.Draw(GameTime gameTime)
в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.DrawFrame()
в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.HostIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e)
в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameHost.OnIdle()
в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.RunOneFrame()
в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.ApplicationIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e)
в System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponent.FDoIdle(Int32 grfidlef)
в System.Windows.Forms.Application.ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop(IntPtr dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData)
в System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoopInner(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
в System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
в System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form mainForm)
в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.Run()
в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunGame(Boolean useBlockingRun)
в Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_()
Hey there, having an issue with launching on the 1.4.4 stable (the "none") branch of TML. The stable 1.4.3 one works fine.

The client logs for the "none" beta branch are as follows:

[09:35:06.840] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Starting tModLoader client|2023.11|stable|Stable|de3f637ae9b4d6d70a4a0133ac97c6d5917b0fc1|5250083680267361047 built 2/01/2024 5:23 pm
[09:35:06.889] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Log date: 31/01/2024
[09:35:06.890] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Running on Windows (v10.0.19045.0) X64 NetCore 6.0.14
[09:35:06.890] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: FrameworkDescription: .NET 6.0.14
[09:35:06.891] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Executable: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\tModLoader\tModLoader.dll
[09:35:06.891] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Working Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\tModLoader
[09:35:08.856] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Saves Are Located At: C:\Users\64273\Documents\My Games\Terraria\tModLoader
[09:35:09.000] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Display DPI: Diagonal DPI is 96. Vertical DPI is 96. Horizontal DPI is 96
[09:35:09.001] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: High DPI Display detected: setting FNA to highdpi mode
[09:35:09.006] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [FNA]: Querying linked library versions...
[09:35:09.007] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [FNA]: SDL v2.28.2
[09:35:09.034] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [FNA]: FNA3D v23.10.0
[09:35:09.067] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [FNA]: FAudio v22.9.1
[09:35:10.380] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Distribution Platform: Steam. Detection method: CWD is /steamapps/
[09:35:10.428] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Process.Start (UseShellExecute = False): "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\tModLoader\dotnet\6.0.14\dotnet.exe" tModLoader.dll -terrariasteamclient 1636
[09:35:11.037] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [TerrariaSteamClient]: Recv: init_success
[09:35:11.038] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [TerrariaSteamClient]: Send: acknowledged
[09:35:12.079] [Main Thread/INFO] [Terraria]: Steam Cloud Quota: 933.1 MB available
[09:35:12.079] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Steam beta branch: None
[09:35:12.080] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: SteamBackend: Running standard Steam Desktop Client API
[09:35:12.080] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Current 1281930 Workshop Folder Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\tModLoader\..\..\workshop
[09:35:12.136] [Main Thread/INFO] [FNA]: SDL Video Diver: windows
[09:35:12.137] [Main Thread/INFO] [FNA]: FNA3D Driver: D3D11
[09:35:12.137] [Main Thread/INFO] [FNA]: D3D11 Adapter: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000
[09:35:12.141] [Main Thread/INFO] [FNA]: SetStringMarker not supported!
[09:35:12.161] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Terraria Steam Install Location assumed to be: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Terraria
[09:35:13.017] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Maximum Resolution is 1920 x 1200

Oddly, the client logs for the none beta branch end abruptly with no shutdown or error message at the end.

The 1.4.3 legacy stable branch works completely fine. The client logs are:

[09:33:40.984] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Save Are Located At: C:\Users\64273\Documents\My Games\Terraria\tModLoader-1.4.3
[09:33:41.000] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Starting tModLoader client|2022.09|1.4.3-legacy|Stable|8da5387c857e53e2573d4c4819e8e46a1574add0|5249973539818021889 built 28/08/2023 4:55 am
[09:33:41.003] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Log date: 31/01/2024
[09:33:41.003] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Running on Windows (v10.0.19045.0) X64 NetCore 6.0.12
[09:33:41.004] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: FrameworkDescription: .NET 6.0.12
[09:33:41.004] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Executable: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\tModLoader\tModLoader.dll
[09:33:41.005] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Working Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\tModLoader
[09:33:42.029] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [FNA]: Querying linked library versions...
[09:33:42.074] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [FNA]: SDL v2.24.0
[09:33:42.100] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [FNA]: FNA3D v22.8.0
[09:33:42.130] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [FNA]: FAudio v22.8.0
[09:33:42.585] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Distribution Platform: Steam. Detection method: CWD is /steamapps/
[09:33:42.606] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Process.Start (UseShellExecute = False): "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\tModLoader\dotnet\6.0.0\dotnet.exe" tModLoader.dll -terrariasteamclient 1520
[09:33:43.137] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [TerrariaSteamClient]: Recv: init_success
[09:33:43.138] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [TerrariaSteamClient]: Send: acknowledged
[09:33:43.706] [Main Thread/INFO] [Terraria]: Steam Cloud Quota: 933.1 MB available
[09:33:43.707] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Steam beta branch: 1.4.3-legacy
[09:33:43.767] [Main Thread/INFO] [FNA]: FNA3D Driver: D3D11
[09:33:43.767] [Main Thread/INFO] [FNA]: D3D11 Adapter: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000
[09:33:43.771] [Main Thread/INFO] [FNA]: SetStringMarker not supported!
[09:33:43.790] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Terraria Steam Install Location assumed to be: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Terraria
[09:33:44.860] [Main Thread/INFO] [tML]: Maximum Resolution is 1920 x 1200
[09:33:44.877] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [Terraria]: Device Created, Adapter: Generic PnP Monitor, DisplayMode: {{Width:1366 Height:768 Format:Color}}, Profile: HiDef, Width: 1366, Height: 768, Fullscreen: False, Display: \\.\DISPLAY1
[09:33:44.878] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [Terraria]: Device Reset, Adapter: Generic PnP Monitor, DisplayMode: {{Width:1366 Height:768 Format:Color}}, Profile: HiDef, Width: 1366, Height: 768, Fullscreen: False -> True, Display: \\.\DISPLAY1
[09:33:44.879] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [Terraria]: Device Reset, Adapter: Generic PnP Monitor, DisplayMode: {{Width:1366 Height:768 Format:Color}}, Profile: HiDef, Width: 1366, Height: 768, Fullscreen: True, Display: \\.\DISPLAY1
[09:33:46.041] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [tML]: Native Resolve: tModLoader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> RzChromaSDK64.dll
[09:33:46.343] [Main Thread/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
ReLogic.Peripherals.RGB.DeviceInitializationException: Corsair initialization failed with: CE_ServerNotFound
at ReLogic.Peripherals.RGB.Corsair.CorsairDeviceGroup.Initialize() in D:\a\tModLoader\tModLoader\src\tModLoader\ReLogic\Peripherals\RGB\Corsair\CorsairDeviceGroup.cs:line 52
at ReLogic.Peripherals.RGB.RgbDeviceGroup.Enable() in D:\a\tModLoader\tModLoader\src\tModLoader\ReLogic\Peripherals\RGB\RgbDeviceGroup.cs:line 18
at ReLogic.Peripherals.RGB.ChromaEngine.EnableDeviceGroup(String name) in D:\a\tModLoader\tModLoader\src\tModLoader\ReLogic\Peripherals\RGB\ChromaEngine.cs:line 54
at Terraria.Initializers.ChromaInitializer.AddDevices_Final() in tModLoader\Terraria\Initializers\ChromaInitializer.cs:line 134
at Terraria.Initializers.ChromaInitializer.AddDevices() in tModLoader\Terraria\Initializers\ChromaInitializer.cs:line 72
at Terraria.Initializers.ChromaInitializer.Load() in tModLoader\Terraria\Initializers\ChromaInitializer.cs:line 281
at Terraria.Main.LoadContent() in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 8658
at Terraria.Main.Initialize() in tModLoader\Terraria\Main.cs:line 5203
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.DoInitialize() in D:\a\tModLoader\tModLoader\FNA\src\Game.cs:line 779
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run() in D:\a\tModLoader\tModLoader\FNA\src\Game.cs:line 411
at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_(Boolean isServer) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 227
at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs) in tModLoader\Terraria\Program.cs:line 188
at MonoLaunch.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.<Main>b__0() in tModLoader\Terraria\MonoLaunch.cs:line 56
at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback()

[09:33:58.084] [9/DEBUG] [tML]: SSDP search line seperator: CRLF
[09:34:13.802] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Finding Mods...
[09:34:13.804] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Constructing Mods...
[09:34:13.902] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Adding Content: ModLoader (tModLoader) v2022.9.47.87
[09:34:14.068] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Resizing...
[09:34:14.277] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Configuring Content: ModLoader (tModLoader) v2022.9.47.87
[09:34:14.467] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Finalizing Content: ModLoader (tModLoader) v2022.9.47.87
[09:34:14.527] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: RAM usage: 924.3 MB
[09:34:14.629] [.NET ThreadPool Worker/INFO] [tML]: Adding Recipes...

Any information on what the error is and how to fix it would be greatly appreciated. Enabled mods on the 1.4.4 (broken) branch are: Fargo's Mutant Mod, Fargo's Souls Mod, Fargo's Music Mod, absoluteAquarian Utilities, and Magic Storage (these were found via "enabled.json" in the "mods" folder of TML's documents. The 1.4.3 (working) branch has no enabled mods. Can't seem to find a list of all mods downloaded for either branch anywhere. I can also provide other logs or whatever if that helps. Thanks in advance.
Guys i need help fixing tModLoader, the version is 1.4, and im using the family share bat to open it, but whenever i open it it says steam api init failed, heres the error code it gave me:
[17:07:31.321] [Main Thread/INFO] [TerrariaSteamClient]: Working Directory: C:\Users\C-Moon\Documents\My Games\tModLoader
[17:07:31.331] [Main Thread/INFO] [TerrariaSteamClient]: Args: C:\Users\C-Moon\Documents\My Games\tModLoader\tModLoader.dll -terrariasteamclient 1636
[17:07:31.331] [Main Thread/INFO] [TerrariaSteamClient]: Setting steam app id to 105600
[17:07:31.332] [Main Thread/INFO] [TerrariaSteamClient]: SteamAPI.Init()
[17:07:31.397] [Main Thread/FATAL] [TerrariaSteamClient]: SteamAPI.Init() failed
[17:07:31.398] [Main Thread/DEBUG] [TerrariaSteamClient]: Send: init_failed
I seem to have the game crash upon launching, no report, just immediately the game closes and then my Bluetooth speaker is disconnected. I have to restart my bluetooth on my PC and relaunch the game and repeat the process if it happens again.

WIndows 10, latest updates. AMD Ryzen 5600x, GTX 3070, 16gb ram.
I have an issue that affects both the regular client of terraria and tmodloader (which i want to use). I want to preface that i am not very experienced with computers and files so i have trouble knowing if i do solutions properly.
When i load up terraria or tmodloader, it does the loading screen and then after it finishes loading up, the game crashes and closes everything and opens up an nvidia box saything that everything is starting back up i believe.
I have managed to find a file that clearly says some sort of error and reasoning that the application could be closing. I have no idea if this could be the only thing that is wrong with the client but i have played the game for around 30 hours so this hasnt happened from the start, it just started happening

I attached a log of whatever Natives is and it says that its fatal and closed the application. Any help would be great!


  • Natives.log
    625 bytes · Views: 45
Hello, could you give me any directions to customize dialogues of existing NPCs (for example Guide)?
Should I implement Mod or new Resource pack for this?
Where can I get current dialogue texts of existing npc?
hello guys, pls help me i want to make an item which spawn NPC in multiplayer but if i use NPC.SpawnBoss() it spawn only to one player. I had tried to fix it but i could't find any solution. My code:

public override void OnConsumeItem(Player player)
int NPCType = rnd.Next(-65, 578);
NPC.SpawnBoss((int)player.Center.X, (int)player.Center.Y, NPCType, player.whoAmI);
hello guys, pls help me i want to make an item which spawn NPC in multiplayer but if i use NPC.SpawnBoss() it spawn only to one player. I had tried to fix it but i could't find any solution. My code:

public override void OnConsumeItem(Player player)
int NPCType = rnd.Next(-65, 578);
NPC.SpawnBoss((int)player.Center.X, (int)player.Center.Y, NPCType, player.whoAmI);

Here's an example of what to do.
Boss Summon Item
Hello, I try to use this but i can't find "SpawnBossUseLicenseStartEvent". I find "SpawnBoss" and try to use it but no results.

Just copy that line, that code works fine for me. Did you also set NPCID.Sets.MPAllowedEnemies[type] to true in your NPC like the comments say?
Just copy that line, that code works fine for me. Did you also set NPCID.Sets.MPAllowedEnemies[type] to true in your NPC like the comments say?
Okay, i understood how spawn bosses, but how i can spawn any npc (include hostile npcs) in multiplayer?
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