PS4 Old Man/Skeletron Glitch


I was trying to summon Skeletron but when I went to the Old Man just after night hit, the Old Man wouldn't talk. The circle button and his speaking cloud appeared to say that I could talk to him but when I pressed circle, nothing happened. All other NPCs still talk and the circle button acts as it should otherwise. I can also talk to the Old Man during the daytime, it is just during nighttime that he won't respond to summon Skeletron. I am playing a large, normal world at the moment. Anyone else find this bug and know how to get around it? Thanks!
That really puts a roadblock in your game progression, huh. :) Have you tried closing the game and going back in? Does he still not talk at night? Not sure it would help, just a thought.
If the above doesn't work, try deleting Terraria, (not your saves) from your system and redownloading it. :)
yeah, i closed the game multiple times and restarted it. this never happened on my ps3 version. i'm wondering if it is a rare 1.3 glitch or something. i'll try deleting the game.
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