Mobile Optimization


Your Terraria Device
Xiaomi redmi 8
Mobile OS
Android 10
Я понимаю, конечно, что весь мир нужно каким-то образом погрузить, чтобы растения росли и т. Д., Но большие и средние миры часто лежат и фризают
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I understand, of course, that the whole world needs to be immersed in some way, so that plants grow, etc., but large and medium-sized worlds often lay and frieze
What type of device are you playing on @MrRickPick? And what do you have for graphic settings, and screen effects? It may be that you need to reduce some of your graphic settings to see better performance.
What type of device are you playing on @MrRickPick? And what do you have for graphic settings, and screen effects? It may be that you need to reduce some of your graphic settings to see better performance.
My phone xiaomi redmi 8, the settings all stand on the minimum, but even so in the medium and large worlds there are lags and friezes. As I understand it, it is because the world needs to partially dive in order to grow plants, etc.
У меня телефон очень сильно нагревается на минимальных настройках графики, мой телефон Asus ZenFone max pro m2
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