Other Option to play earlier builds


To make a long story short, I fell in love with this game earlier on in it's childhood. And slowly, as more and more content was rolled out, the game quickly lost all appeal. It has become way way way too weighed down with extra blocks/items/ores/etc to be fun, imo. Anytime I'm diving into these biomes and dungeons, my inventory just gets so full so fast with random stuff, it's simply too overwhelming. It was overwhelming in it's infancy. Now it's just wayyy too much.

What I'm trying to get at is, I'd love to "go back in time" and play some earlier builds of the game before all these huge content patches were rolled out.
Other people already suggested this. And, I understand your PoV, but I think Devs aren't going to do that. At least not in the near future. So, I think the only way you can do it is installing Terraria via other ways because the real Terraria will always get more and more items and stuff.
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