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Hate to be a nag, but is that Rod of Discord mouse-hotkey still on the list, or was it unworkable? Just checking. `:)

Thanks for the new hotkeys! `:happy: If you add one for the Rod of Discord, could you make it bindable to extra mouse buttons as well? This was always on my modlist before 1.4, and it was really nice to be able to use my thumb button for teleports.
Also, could you make the Nebula Arcanum projectile go faster?
You can do this already, just open up ItemID 3476 in Omnipatcher and modify the shootSpeed value.
The projectile will slow down but that's because the Nebula Arcanum uses 4 different projecileID's for the different stages of it.
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The projectile will slow down but that's because the Nebula Arcanum uses 4 different projectileID's for the different stages of it.
That's the point, I just want the projectile to go faster like the Razorblade Typhoon's projectile not the weapon shoot speed
That's the point, I just want the projectile to go faster like the Razorblade Typhoon's projectile not the weapon shoot speed

The first projectile does go faster though.
shootSpeed = projectile speed

Basically, how Nebula Arcanum works is, each type of projectile it has (projectileID: 617, 618, 619, 620), has an AI style where the projectile itself shoots the next projectile.
Setting the shootSpeed to higher on the first one will speed up the first projectile, which as a result will make it go further than normal before it shoots the next projectile. As in, ID 617 will get further before shooting ID 618, and its at this point that the shootSpeed won't make a difference.
And I will say that, you likely wouldn't want to change the projectile speed of anything but 617 and 619 anyway, as it will mess up the weapon entirely. :p
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The first projectile does go faster though.
shootSpeed = projectile speed

Basically, how Nebula Arcanum works is, each type of projectile it has (projectileID: 617, 618, 619, 620), has an AI style where the projectile itself shoots the next projectile.
Setting the shootSpeed to higher on the first one will speed up the first projectile, which as a result will make it go further than normal before it shoots the next projectile. As in, ID 617 will get further before shooting ID 618, and its at this point that the shootSpeed won't make a difference.
And I will say that you likely wouldn't want to change the projectile speed of anything but 617 and 619 anyway, as it will mess up the weapon entirely. :p
Because the projectile is too slow, unlike the Razorblade Typhoon is fast but low damage, so iI just want it to go as fast as Razorblade Typhoon projectile without change it AI
Because the projectile is too slow, unlike the Razorblade Typhoon is fast but low damage, so iI just want it to go as fast as Razorblade Typhoon projectile without change it AI

Unless Tiberium adds the possibility to edit projectiles there's no way to edit the projectile speed of any other projectile except projectile 617, which is the one you shoot.
But if you edit the shootSpeed to say... 12, then Arcanum's projectile will get further before slowing down (because the projectile was replaced by ID 618).
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Oh btw, could you make fullbright disabled by default? Everytime I load my world it'll be on and I have to turn it off. Not a big deal of course, but you know...

Got a question on Set a Constant NPC happiness override tweak. I'm trying to set it to max happiness so they sell their stuff at the 75% discount. What should I plug in to the tweaker to achieve this as a constant? Because it needs to be 133 and 1/3 percent right? There's no easy way to plug that in is there? I could put 133.3333333 or something I supposed but that's kind of messy no and not accurate. Can you just change the constant override to fix the price discount globally at whatever multiple instead? 80%, 75%, 100% etc?
This overlay has become an absolute must for my game. I didn't get Terraria till 1.4, so very recently and one thing that is mandatory for any of the games I spend any meaningful time on is that it's moddable as I know there are people out there that have similiar tastes in what they enjoy in a game. Discovering that tmodloader didn't run on 1.4 sent me on a treasure hunt which brought me to your magnificent tool which I have used now since the second time I loaded the game and now have 121 hours on it. After probably about 100 hours I started to play on tmodloader so I could try out some of the bigger mods, which are a lot of fun but the one game breaking ordeal for my autistic brain is the rename function on the chests not having overlay text. I am looking forward to the plugin capability for TT2! This is some brilliant work you have unleashed into the community.
Hey, I'm just going to share an experience for the newbies here for TT2:

So I was working on a big project, a tweaklist that will revamp the whole game. All weapons use mana, bosses with different AI, etc.

One day, I decided to save the tweaklist, and turn off my PC (Without closing TT2), then when I log back in, the tweaklist was gone. I checked the main directory for the tweaklist and it was still there. I tried restarted my computer, copy-pasted the tweaklist, reinstalled TT2, nothing worked. Then I took a different approach and tried to check what was inside the file, and in that moment, I already accepted that the tweaklist itself was corrupted. The file was still accesible, but loading and browsing through 4,000 kb of text wasn't fun. After scrutinizing the file, I seem to recover most of the tweaks except for the Darwin tool. I was still grateful nonetheless, because only a couple tweaks from the Omnipatcher was missing (190+ items were tweaked), but oh boy, that was a warning for me. I know this already sounds monotonous especially for the amount of people already saying this, but always make backups, and make sure the program is closed before doing anything else!
I have a question: Is 100% Journey Mode Research modify the player save file forever or just only available in tweak and not in vanilla?
Do you think a downgraded version of the fullbright would be possible where only ores, treasures and such have some extra glow?
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