PC 1.3.2 Changelog

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"• After reaching hardmode, you can choose the type of the world's evil when generating new worlds"

Does this mean that you can choose whether having Corruption or Crimson in your World regardless of the initial world's evil?
I found a bug. Snowfall Walls don't drop into items when you break them.
> tested on a multiplayer server world.

Thanks for the report @Eternalserenity, replicating here on my end too!

"• After reaching hardmode, you can choose the type of the world's evil when generating new worlds"

Does this mean that you can choose whether having Corruption or Crimson in your World regardless of the initial world's evil?

It means that in all worlds you create moving forward, you have the option to determine which Evil they will have. Its not retroactive. And of course, you can still select "Random" if you prefer.
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"• After reaching hardmode, you can choose the type of the world's evil when generating new worlds"

Does this mean that you can choose whether having Corruption or Crimson in your World regardless of the initial world's evil?
No, it means that when you create a brand-new world, you can pick whatever evil biome you want, not edit the existing world.
o Terraria Release Date: 16 May, 2011
o You can now use the Sort feature with chests: 20 July, 2016
o Difference: 5 Years, 2 Months, 4 Days

That's 1892 days, one thousand eighthundred ninety two days!
And on -every- -single- day until now you, dear Developers,
1. refused to give us that feature for a game with gazillions of items,
2. apparently never came up with the idea that such feature might be helpful.

I sure will be very careful about buying any of your games in the future,
given that either you have no clue about proper gamedesign or, which would be worse,
intentionally held back on that feature so you can milk your customers.
(to be fair though, it's not like Terraria costs too much, like so many overpriced garbage on steam)

P.S.: Yes, i know, Re-logic... You could not care less if one old geezer won't buy your games,
after all, there's a million kids out there who don't give a damn about such features.

P.P.S: Any comments on this post that are not from the Developers of this
wonderful game (yes, i find it wonderful, i am serious) will be ignored,
so fire away, haters :guidesmile:
Yes, it's something that should have been in version 0.0.1, but it's neither here nor there and I'm pretty sure any future games they create will know about the importance of QoL.

I've wanted chest sorting since I started playing, but the game itself definitely overshadows that flaw, and now they've (finally) put it in.
Very nice. I am especially happy for the last item in the changes tab.... I won't have to waste time making, then deleting worlds anymore, when they don't give me the evil type I wanted. I typically make one of each whenever I make a new playthrough. Very much appreciated.

Looking forward to the Underground Desert update! As it currently stands, there is minimal motivation to explore the underground desert, as there is little unique items/drops/loot you can get from there. The primary reason for me, is the need for antlion mandibles(for potions), which gets solved rather quickly. I have been wanting an excuse to actually dive deep into the underground desert; a reason for me to enjoy exploring it. I really hope 1.3.3 will satisfy this craving for desert spelunking.
  • After reaching hardmode, you can choose the type of the world's evil when generating new worlds. If you have already reached hardmode, just load any pre-existing hardmode world and it will activate this feature.
  • Nerfed beehive-type bees in expert mode
  • Trees now grow with a “poof!” even when visible on a player’s screen
  • Clinger Staff can now use platforms as its resting point
YAY! Now do this with the spore sac.
  • Made improvements to chat tags, and they should no longer break over long lines
  • Town NPCs will TRY to avoid falling into cliffs away from their home area
  • After reaching hardmode, you can choose the type of the world's evil when generating new worlds. If you have already reached hardmode, just load any pre-existing hardmode world and it will activate this feature.
Wait, what?
Two favorite things in this update.

  1. Seeing the Witch Doctor wearing a party hat.

  2. The fact that the Tax Collector doesn't have a party hat when a party is happening.
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