PC 1.3.5 is Live!

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The new font is unattractive and does not appear to scale well at all. Even on the default 100% zoom/UI scaling levels it looks pixelated, and on lower resolutions than 1080p it looks blurry yet also oversharpened. It's particularly evident if you look at the buff timers. A friend (who runs the game in a 1280x800 resolution) immediately noted when we started chatting how fuzzy it looked. The previous font was so nice and clean looking. UI scaling also makes it very apparent that the font is not at all built for scaling.
I've also found a mistake in russian translation. So, in the "Bulldozer" is says "10000 плиток" which isn't right. "Плитка" means like a "slab" that is placed on the floor. As for me it should say "10000 блоков" ("Блоков" means Blocks). This mistake might mislead new players.
I just wan't to low it, because is too big for me even with 1920x1080
The new font is unattractive and does not appear to scale well at all. Even on the default 100% zoom/UI scaling levels it looks pixelated, and on lower resolutions than 1080p it looks blurry yet also oversharpened. It's particularly evident if you look at the buff timers. A friend (who runs the game in a 1280x800 resolution) immediately noted when we started chatting how fuzzy it looked. The previous font was so nice and clean looking. UI scaling also makes it very apparent that the font is not at all built for scaling.
Agreed. It's very distinctly noticeable and makes text just very slightly bothering/off-putting to read. All text appears sharpened, yet uncomfortably blurred at the default scale, and doesn't improve (actually becomes fuzzier) at higher UI scale levels.

I much preferred the previous appearance of the text, and I'd even give up the new Unicode character support, neat as it is, for the old, clean text back.
Am I the only one who noticed all the updated sprites (eg: Eye of Cthulhu, Skeletron, Undead Miner).

New Update Hype
Dear developers, first of all I want to thank you for the wonderful game that has been living and developing for many years.
Every new update makes the game better and better. I am very pleased with the decision to add support for high resolutions, UI sizing and translations.
However, there is one thing that disappointed me a lot in last update. This is a quality of Cyrillic font.
Compared with the original, English, it is much less readable and does not reflect the atmosphere of the game at all.
It will be great if the Cyrillic fond will be redesigned.
For example, our community long time ago on their own, not officially, did (low to them bow) a good font. For example, you can see it here: http://landk.ru/russifiers/terraria
I hope my opinion will be heard.

Уважаемые разработчики, в первую очередь хочу поблагодарить вас за замечательную игру, которая уже много лет живет и развивается.
Каждое новое обновление делает и игру лучше и лучше. Мне очень правится решение добавить поддержку высоких разрешений, размеры UI и переводы.
Однако есть одна вещь, которая в последнем обновлении меня сильно разочаровала. Это качество шрифта для кириллицы.
По сравнению с оригинальным английским языком он на много менее читабелен и совершенно не отражает атмосферу игры.
Было бы замечательно, если бы кириллический шрифт будет доработан.
Например, наше комьюнити уже давно своими силами, не официально, сделали (низкий им поклон) хороший шрифт. Например посмотреть его можно вот здесь: http://landk.ru/russifiers/terraria
Надеюсь, моё мнение будет услышано.
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The worst thing is that the Russian community making translation since first versions of Terraria, it has already been put in order, it has a minimum of mistake and has a beautiful cyrillic font.
But you release an official Russian translation with a huge bunch of mistakes, with an ugly font and call it "professionally". :(
The worst thing is that the Russian community making translation since first versions of Terraria, it has already been put in order, it has a minimum of mistake and has a beautiful cyrillic font.
But you release an official Russian translation with a huge bunch of mistakes, with an ugly font and call it "professionally". :(
Part of why it's professional is because it's legal.

Re-Logic couldn't just have taken the translations and font from the community and just implemented it into Terraria, that would've gotten them into legal issues. What's more, they can't hold people they didn't pay (which is one of those legal issues) accountable for the quality - and upkeep - of the translations in question, which they can do if they actually commission translations from a company.

As they say, it's just business. Nothing personal.
Re-Logic couldn't just have taken the translations and font from the community and just implemented it into Terraria, that would've gotten them into legal issues.
Developers of games like Minecraft, Trove, Rust, Garry's Mod, Project Zomboid cooperates with community on translation questions. It's free and it give better result.
What's more, they can't hold people they didn't pay (which is one of those legal issues) accountable for the quality - and upkeep - of the translations in question, which they can do if they actually commission translations from a company.
The worst thing is that they paid money for this "perfect" work.
Developers of games like Minecraft, Trove, Rust, Garry's Mod, Project Zomboid cooperates with community on translation questions. It's free and it give better result.

The worst thing is that they paid money for this "perfect" work.
The good thing is that if their contract was any good, they are still entitled to a quality version of these translations, which means any corrections are free of charge.

Trust me, I'm all for community translations, but you have to realise it brings a lot of risks with it, legal or otherwise. Professional translators are safer, and indie companies do well to play it safe on these fronts.

As for 'free and better results', I think Re-Logic can afford to hire a few translators, and I'd pose that better results is anecdotal.
With some unique properties too it.
Anyone figured out what those are?(referring to Arkhalis's dev set)
edit: found on the interwebs that color of your torso affects color of the 'lining'. this was probably it.
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Anyone having problems with the steam multiplayer? It's stuck on "found server" never happened before the update.
Both the client and the server must be running the same version of Terraria
You have forgotten about great feature of getting rid of old players that are having potato calculators ;_;
The specs that you list in that post have been below the minimum required to run the game for quite some time, if you check the store page information.
The good thing is that if their contract was any good, they are still entitled to a quality version of these translations, which means any corrections are free of charge.

Yes indeed. The more issues that people share with us (preferably in the forum section we created yesterday just for this - https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?forums/pc-localization-bugs.192/), the better and faster we can get that all squared away.

We hear you with the font issue on Cyrillic - Andy Bold was not a very viable option, unfortunately. Not sure what can be done - but we certainly hear the complaints and recognize the issue.
I watched PythonGb's playthrough and I see something that is odd.

Do the ice blocks not connect with dirt blocks? because I'm sure that those blocks must connect.
@TerraDream274, as far as I can tell, Ice Blocks do not merge with Dirt Blocks, and if they did in the past, its been a very long time since they stopped. I tested back to 1.3.1, and they weren't merging then.
4/20/2017 12:31:16 PM
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for '<Module>' threw an exception. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: External component has thrown an exception.
at _getFiberPtrId()
at <CrtImplementationDetails>.LanguageSupport._Initialize(LanguageSupport* )
at <CrtImplementationDetails>.LanguageSupport.Initialize(LanguageSupport* )
at .cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.BinaryConverter.CanConvert(Type objectType)
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.GetMatchingConverter(IList`1 converters, Type objectType)
at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.DefaultContractResolver.InitializeContract(JsonContract contract)
at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.DefaultContractResolver.CreateDictionaryContract(Type objectType)
at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.DefaultContractResolver.CreateContract(Type objectType)
at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.DefaultContractResolver.ResolveContract(Type type)
at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.Deserialize(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, Boolean checkAdditionalContent)
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeInternal(JsonReader reader, Type objectType)
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(String value, Type type, JsonSerializerSettings settings)
at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject[T](String value, JsonSerializerSettings settings)
at Terraria.IO.FavoritesFile.Load()
at Terraria.Main.Initialize()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunGame(Boolean useBlockingRun)
at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs)

i got this error when starting up terraria, what do i do?
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