Casual Pet Peeves

- I HATE it when people correct me. I know people think its nice to do it, but for some reason I find it really annoying.
- YouTube comment fights. Almost all of them are started for no reason, and its just plain dumb
-Ads. I really hate ads. You should know why.
- What Shadow Tiger said. I hate that too, its not like everyone can see what you're pointing at (even though i do that sometimes too, :p).
And so the list goes on.
- I HATE it when people correct me. I know people think its nice to do it, but for some reason I find it really annoying.
Aye, I agree. There are so many better ways to correct people than the way that most people do it. It's all about tact. If you have enough tact, you can do unspeakable things under the guise of civility.

- What Shadow Tiger said. I hate that too, its not like everyone can see what you're pointing at (even though i do that sometimes too, :p).
The trick is to be extremely specific, but not specific to the point where people start talking down to each other. "See that BLACK-FEATHERED PIGEON? DO YOU? DO YOU SEE IT? DO. YOU. SEE. THE. PIGEON. The only pigeon?"
I hate sassy people. They always get their sassy friends to sass up on you, and they get other people in the conversation, which start hating. Also, they're like 25% off this shirt, oh look a clearance on a sweater, oh look at those jeans for 100 dollars why aren't they on sale oh clerk why? I hate it, gets on my nerves.
People who believe things about you when they don't even know you.
People who expect me to be violent and aggressive because of my music taste.
People who bully.
People. (jk :D)
- Hypocrites
- People still in their LOLSORANDOM or weeaboo phase
- People that use hashtags on Facebook
- Being corrected.
- Pricetags that have numbers like $29.99, $599.98, things that are 1c or 2c off the nearest dollar.
- Those people who just assume they're your friend and are rediculously annoying all the time.
- People who just join the conversation you're having with your best friend because you're talking about something they're also aware of.
- People who take a joke you said and repeat it over and over to everyone they meet and act like they invented it.
90s kids....

People who go "X game in franchise is better!" in a good franchise with pretty much all decent games

People who use "CAUSAL" and "HARDCORE", I hate you so much.
People who think there is a laser pointer attached to their pointing finger. I feel like way too many people feel this way.

"Hey, see that thing way off in the distance? Near that .. thingy? No, the thing to the left. The thing. The thing. No, you're just not getting it. You must be dumb."


Yes exactly.

Yup. I can totally relate!

Mean people. I somehow seem to come across at least one a day living in the city (part of the reason why I hate living in the city). People seem to have higher standards of other people, and are sometimes quick to make judgements. I especially love it when people become impatient about their food at a fast food joint, just because their food isn't ready within one minute. Even though they ordered ten different items, and the person ahead of them order 16, and the poor person at the counter is then victimized for it, even though she's not the one preparing the orders. Sometimes you just wanna punch people.

Also, the darn-dist things that politicians say.
My biggest pet peeves:

1. YouTube commenters who seem to exist only to bash Americans. You know, the kind that takes every single opportunity to say "look at these dumb Americans!". It is beyond obnoxious. Don't you have anything better to do?

2. Elitist gamers. If you enjoy a challenge, I respect that. But if you're an expert at the game and insist that anyone who isn't on your level either needs to get there or quit playing, you're kind of a jerk. And if you insult someone for playing a video game at their own pace... you know, something they're doing on their spare time because they're having fun with it... then you're really a jerk.
Some things that burn my biscuits:

Adults that are apparently not smart enough to know how to close a door properly. It is called turning the door knob a little bit when closing it, instead of slamming the door because you are to ignorant and/or rude and/or lazy to consider the other people living in the building. Seriously, you're an adult, TURN THE :red:ING KNOB.

And if you live in an apartment, guess what, you have relinquished your right to have loud, knock down, drag out fights with your SO. Keep that :red: at least quiet enough that it can't be heard through the walls. And, if one of you storms out, then stay gone. Don't come back and start the whole thing over again. You aren't special snowflakes and your cliched bull:red: personal argument isn't important enough to disturb everyone elses' lives.

On the same note, the unrelenting :red:holes that think it is acceptable to gun their loud :red: motorcycles as if they are the only people in the world. It would be one thing if these were badass bikers giving law and authority the middle finger, but they aren't. They are dentists, accounts, and other yuppies that should know better than to disrupt the peace and quiet of everyone within a block radius. Start seeing motocycles, my :red:, start driving cars like normal, non-annoying people.
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1.When someone decides to creep up right behind me and begin eating their chips as loud as humanly possible, as well as making sure that every single frickin' crumb makes it into my shirt.

2.My mom at times.I'll stay quiet for almost a whole day, then I'll make a tiny peep nearby her, then she'll scream "SHUT UP!!!" at the TOP OF HER LUNGS.THEN she'll go and rant about how I talk 24/7. I don't even...

3.Youtube comment trolls. "Ugh, of course they made google a guy!It's just like when those idiots from whenever decided to make Jesus a guy in their stupid book!Stupid sexist pigs!"
i also hate the orange room and everything about it. one of the best useless hashtag storage systems that think too highly of themselves


You make games I love and then you hurt those games I love and then you make MORE games I love and then you hurt me through them.

This is a toxic relationship and as soon as I buy Monster Hunter 4U it is OVER between us.
1.(This happened majorly in high school) People who talk over me when I'm presenting something.
So we had to present our senior project (part of the english cirriculm proving we learned something new and required for graduation) the day I had to present my powerpoint on the subject I chose everyone was talking. It wasn't until the 3rd slide I shouted "EXCUSE ME I'M PRESENTING FOR A GRADE LIKE YOU ALL WILL, PAY ATTENTION" so loud I almost broke my vocal chords.

2. People who belittle others for not knowing something.
I've personally never had this happen to me but it happens too much where I live. Someone makes a mention for a popular tv show (let's say Supernatural) and a person (one that doesn't know) asks what is. Person A that recived the question belittles Person B instead of educating.

3. Lying.
I think this one says it for itself.
On the same note, the unrelenting :red:holes that think it is acceptable to gun their loud :red: motorcycles as if they are the only people in the world. It would be one thing if these were badass bikers giving law and authority the middle finger, but they aren't. They are dentists, accounts, and other yuppies that should know better than to disrupt the peace and quiet of everyone within a block radius. Start seeing motocycles, my :red:, start driving cars like normal, non-annoying people.
ohh this bothers me so much too! The other day some jerk was revving up his motorcycle so loud.. it began hurting my ears. I couldn't hear anything but the motorcycle as it was about 50 or so feet away from me, and I couldn't do anything about it. He continued to do this for about 10 minutes before leaving. I really wish common sense was common.. as well as common decency.
People who can't stand being corrected. Yeah, that's okay, just keep doing what you're doing, I never even cared that you're ignoring a massive mistake. They seem to believe that I correct them because I enjoy being right and all superior and pompous and whatnot. That really isn't how it is; I just can't stand watching someone else doing something the wrong way.

Also, I am superior.
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