Casual Pet Praises

This reminds me of that time after work when a random customer offered to pay for my stuff. I was buying milk and other last minute things at a convenience store so the price wasn't going to be ideal but I had plenty of money. I hesitated as I have a hard time accepting favors.... also, a part of me thought he was joking. He argued with me when I tried to decline so I just let him pay the $18 and went on my way after many thank yous.

I think it may of been a regular customer, not really sure. I don't remember really noticing him again after that.
During the 2nd Interview I had for a new job. I got the Job Offer, and I feel so good from getting it. Just thinking about how excited I am to start this new job soon!

It was scary this past month to have focused on trying to get a new job, but it has paid off now and I got this job. I'm just glad they've accepted me, since I was having trouble even getting interviews at some of the places I applied. This place did take me for 2 interviews and gave the offer afterwards however so I feel like I did them right! Getting the job, for those who haven't felt the feeling yet. It is one of the most exciting feelings ever! :pslime::dryadhappy:
The good things in life do not always show themselves at first. I am that type of person with very few friends, but my relationship with them is very powerful and I love them dearly. It took me 14 years to realise it, and now I am living the life in my fifteenth year. I am greatful to God for friends who will love you for who you are, despite your quirks and your obsession with TFC and...spriting. Tons of spriting.
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