Items Placeable Whoopie Cushions for pranks and giggles


Instead of just having the Whoopie Cushion be a noisemaker item, I think it would be fun to be able to place them on the ground like a pressure plate so that it can be activated by stepping on it, because why not? Unless you are clicking in a spot where it can be placed, it will still function the way it always has, so this just adds to the fun. Placed Whoopie Cushions can even be activated by NPCs, so you can get a good laugh even when you aren't playing on a server!

Also, by popular demand, you can craft a Prank Pressure Plate with a Whoopee Cushion and 10 of any Pressure Plate to make 10. It activates when anything (player, enemy, or NPC) steps on it, and instead of making the regular Pressure Plate *click* sound, it farts. :p

So why not just make lots of Prank Pressure Plates instead of just placing a good ol' Whoopie Cushion? Stepping on the placed Cushion will result in a bigger fart, so it's even more hilarious! :D The Angler Kid would be proud of the results, ore more likely, he'd just end up rolling on the floor laughing his backside off.

<--- What the Whoopie Cushion might look like when placed.
<--- A demonstration by our dear friend, the Guide.

More Stuff:
<--- A sprite for the Prank Pressure Plate.
<--- This one's been placed.
<F for the fallen images from TO, I'm pretty sure this used to be a hilarious joke> <--- Unfortunately, Guide here isn't as willing the second time round. :(

One More Thing:

Thanks go to zimberzimber for putting this banner together!​
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It's not really all that necessary but I wouldn't mind having it in-game. Would make for a few laughs, but I can't see myself holding my sides and rolling on the floor with this one.
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