Biomes & Nature Post-Hardmode: Take over the Moon!


After a harrowing battle, your party of four has finally conquered the Moon Lord. As you all fire the Celebrations you've obtained from your Treasure Bags (because really, what else would you get in your first time?), you notice the green text on the bottom left part of the screen:

"A shattering sound cascades throughout the sky"

You decide to check what's going on and go above. Nothing is out of the ordinary, until suddenly, you realize you can go higher above than you could before! The containment field Moon Lord has set up around Earth has been broken! You go up and up, and on the way you notice that gradually, gravity is decreasing. As space is just as oxygen rich as ground level, you don't seem to have any trouble breathing. However, you notice that at some areas, especially areas that are more likely to be of interest, you're taking damage; damage that increases as you stay in these areas. You figure these are parts of the radiation belt and that you'll have tools to detect and counter these later, but for now your curiosity makes you push onward.

There are quite a few abandoned ships, space station-themed houses with some containing chests that offer items that would seem to be useful in your endeavours. You come across enemies you haven't seen before but some are not so unfamiliar; you come across Mechanical Wyverns that are much stronger versions of the majestic beasts. You wonder who could have modified them as such, but your exploration is unfettered.

You go up, up and up, until suddenly, gravity now reverses. Your physics-savvy party member points out that you must be in the Moon's gravity well now; the Moon now pulls you stronger than earth does. You begin descent on the Moon's surface when one of your party members gets killed by a very fast Mechanical Harpy. He respawns on your base back on Earth and he exclaims "holy mother cheese and crackers" and says he cba and good night. The three of you perform the historic moon landing, and you notice multiple craters on the moon. The surface seems to be made mostly of Moonstone and Moondirt Blocks, with all sorts of ores at shallow depths and there even seem to exist peculiar trees that grow on Moondirt, which provide the silvery looking Moonwood. There seems to be no water on the moon, which you feel will have to introduce later to catch exquisite moon fish and other items. Deeper down, you find usable stores of Luminite, abandoned houses left by mysterious moon people. The enemies at the moon are even stronger than those you've faced on earth, and they drop items that you expect would help you on your journey. As you go down and down, you suddenly encounter a thick layer of an unidentified type of block that nothing you own can break. You figure you'll later have a way to break that, and you wonder if the moon has its own version of the underworld. As you make your way back to your surface outpost, you notice the dreadful purple text in the bottom left corner:

"The Lunar Eclipse has begun"

Phew, what a story. Now in normal people talk. Before I begin, the Lunar Eclipse is basically the blood moon on the Moon. If you were to return to earth, you'd face the blood moon. If you had a blood moon on earth and you went to the moon, you'd have the Lunar Eclipse.

I imagine the moon as a relatively uniform place with few types of blocks; it's a blank canvas for the player for the most part. Regular stone, dirt and sand would also exist, and while it would be unrealistic, it's justified as the moon basically has life and causes no problems breathing whatsoever.

Biomes brought over would act the same on the moon, but native moon blocks would be immune to Crimson/Corruption completely. New enemies spawning on Earth would of course be nice, but the focus should be the moon (not that anybody is doing this anyway). The moon would have a decent number of bosses, and the space in between would have abandoned space stations and stuff for looting.

And of course, the Moon Lord wasn't at full power on Earth, but now you're in his home turf.

What do you think?

P.S: Another crosspost from r/Terraria
Hmmm, interesting. That only can be a Terraria 1.4 update, or a Moon Mod, but, whatever. It's very good, also a bit not good. Luminite can be mined with ANY pickaxe(according to Wiki) And, we can have some special sort of Moon-Spesific ores, even Moon Dungeons or Moon Temples. May be some mini-bosses can randomly spawn, or a spesific boss that acts another part of Cthulhu(NOT Cthulhu itself) or maybe more.
But I'm really thinking about Lunar Eclipse. I mean, we're on Moon and we're having a Lunar Eclipse! For a counterpart of Blood Moon in the Moon(that word felt me weird :p ) I think a Bloody Moon would be better. If we have a Blood Moon, it seems there are some(really some :p ) blood on the Moon itself, because of that the Moon turns into red when a Blood Moon occurs. Of course, the Moon also will be the house of Blood Moon monsters, which means some more fun. :)
That's it. I like the idea, and think I can add something to make it better. :)
When your introduction is longer than the actual suggestion, that's when you know you haven't even come close to adding enough details.
Hmmm, interesting. That only can be a Terraria 1.4 update, or a Moon Mod, but, whatever. It's very good, also a bit not good. Luminite can be mined with ANY pickaxe(according to Wiki) And, we can have some special sort of Moon-Spesific ores, even Moon Dungeons or Moon Temples. May be some mini-bosses can randomly spawn, or a spesific boss that acts another part of Cthulhu(NOT Cthulhu itself) or maybe more.
But I'm really thinking about Lunar Eclipse. I mean, we're on Moon and we're having a Lunar Eclipse! For a counterpart of Blood Moon in the Moon(that word felt me weird :p ) I think a Bloody Moon would be better. If we have a Blood Moon, it seems there are some(really some :p ) blood on the Moon itself, because of that the Moon turns into red when a Blood Moon occurs. Of course, the Moon also will be the house of Blood Moon monsters, which means some more fun. :)
That's it. I like the idea, and think I can add something to make it better. :)

Blood Moon is an optical phenomenon that makes the moon look red during a lunar eclipse. It's the same thing as a Lunar Eclipse and it's a real event, there's no actual blood on the moon. The moon would simply be shadowed by Earth and be dark.

Luminite is that way because it's currently not mined. If such a change happens, there's no reason not to make it tougher to mine.

Is this a suggestion or a short story? It's kind of hard to tell.

The short story is just there to make the suggestion more interesting to read. It indirectly states many of the ideas I've had.

When your introduction is longer than the actual suggestion, that's when you know you haven't even come close to adding enough details.

When your post is a single sentence, that's when you know you haven't put much thought into your criticism.

First, that's not just an introduction, it contains most of the ideas and I just wanted to make that more enjoyable to read. On the off chance this gets made, things will be severely more detailed and probably different too. I gave enough details to form an outline and set a general direction but I didn't explicitly design the entirety of post-hardmode, and you should forgive me for not doing so when this is not likely to happen at all.
When your post is a single sentence, that's when you know you haven't put much thought into your criticism.

First, that's not just an introduction, it contains most of the ideas and I just wanted to make that more enjoyable to read. On the off chance this gets made, things will be severely more detailed and probably different too. I gave enough details to form an outline and set a general direction but I didn't explicitly design the entirety of post-hardmode, and you should forgive me for not doing so when this is not likely to happen at all.
When there's nothing to criticize...

Okay, enough of the formulaic parrying. The suggestion forums really isn't a place for 'outlines' if you're not planning to fill it in- nobody cares if your idea isn't completely fleshed out but if it's literally just a concept with maybe bits and pieces thrown in... At this point it's really not better than those posts that say "add 'whatever' as a counterpart for the hallow", although admittedly at least more interesting to read.

At this point the entire suggestions forum has more or less accepted that almost nothing we say is ever going to be put into the game. That hasn't stopped people from creating amazing ideas that are actually interesting to read and theoretically could be implemented in their current form. If all you're going to do is pencil in some outlines, you're far better off posting to the literature section- you'll find people who would actually appreciate your work.
When there's nothing to criticize...

Okay, enough of the formulaic parrying. The suggestion forums really isn't a place for 'outlines' if you're not planning to fill it in- nobody cares if your idea isn't completely fleshed out but if it's literally just a concept with maybe bits and pieces thrown in... At this point it's really not better than those posts that say "add 'whatever' as a counterpart for the hallow", although admittedly at least more interesting to read.

At this point the entire suggestions forum has more or less accepted that almost nothing we say is ever going to be put into the game. That hasn't stopped people from creating amazing ideas that are actually interesting to read and theoretically could be implemented in their current form. If all you're going to do is pencil in some outlines, you're far better off posting to the literature section- you'll find people who would actually appreciate your work.
Under normal circumstances I'd keep my mouth shut in this situation (I've learned my lesson), but I'm not going to in this case.

First of all, this idea is nothing like a whole infection suggestion- it doesn't NEED to be fleshed out. All the information that's necessary has been provided, because he explicitly stated 'it's like a blank slate'. If anything, it's like a free sandbox area you can do whatever you want with (in addition to being an extra source of Luminite), plus the implications of the Moon Lord being more powerful if you fight him there.

Second, it's painfully obvious (at least to me) that you didn't bother reading the whole post (or at the very least, did not read into it correctly- I myself was able to extract almost all of the needed info from that 'introduction that's longer than the actual post', as you put it- whereas you clearly haven't). While this is no Cyber or anything in terms of volume of content or format, it doesn't need to be. All any suggestion needs is a baseline concept of what you might expect to see, because regardless of what you put in, the Devs, assuming the idea gets used, will probably end up changing a lot of it anyway. All the sprites and whatnot other people do are just a bonus, and intended to display what their stuff MIGHT look like. And, well, it's the Moon. We all know what that looks like.

Ultimately the only thing I can extract out of your post is you're criticizing this actually pretty interesting idea because it lacks all the fluff of the usual suggestions (the fluff which, again, is just that- it isn't truly necessary, just a bonus). Which, no offense, sounds pretty petty to me.
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