Post your weird dream stories

I had a dream about a year and a half to two years ago.

I will give a warning: It is religious in nature.

At the time, I was an avid video gamer and I wasn't really a practicing Christian. I believed in Christianity, I just... wasn't living a Christian lifestyle. One night, I was having a mundane dream that I cannot remember when this dream was suddenly interrupted by an "elevator" feeling. I felt like something had shot me straight up into the air, and bright vivid colors filled my vision. Normally, I don't remember colors in dream, but the sky... oh yes, I remember the sky.

Beautiful, bright skyblue as far as the eyes could see, majestic clouds, and rays of sun coming from above. I wasn't afraid, even though I was seemingly floating on my back in mid-air, way high up in the air. It was then I heard a voice. In all of my dreams (this is one of two), sound is "there", but it is "fake" sound. Like if someone talks to me, or I hear a gunshot or what-not, my brain registers "gunshot" or "mother's voice" but the sound isn't actually there.

I also have APD (self-diagonsed), and in all of my dreams, I've never experienced my APD but in this dream, the sound of His voice was so real, that it actually triggered my APD. The voice was... powerful, deep, but yet quiet and calm. An older man's voice. It sounded like it was all around me, and when I heard the voice, a tingling sensation erupted all over my body. The voice said...

I find you worthy, but beware _____ misery (or miserable) ______.

About the time He was saying "misery" I was about to open my mouth to say "what was that?" (this is instinctive for me because of the fact I have APD) when I woke up. The last word was still ringing in my ears, and the extremely powerful tingling sensation was still all over my head, shoulders, and upper body and I was laying on my back in bed (I never sleep on my back). I turned my head to look at the clock, and I still recall that it was 4:17AM and the first thought in my mind was "God".

I knew Who spoke to me. There was no question in my mind who He was.

Well, I didn't "convert" right away, but it sure put questions in my mind... Why Me? I was some nobody addicted to video games, working at some dead-end job, what would He want with me? I thought the Bible taught that nobody was worthy of Anything from Him? I wrestled with these thoughts for the better part of a year until a family member had a good long talk with me about Christianity and that's when I officially decided that I would follow Him, and I do to this day.

That dream is still clear to me, and I've had other vivid dreams of a religious nature since, but that dream.... stands out as being "different" than every other dream in my entire life (I'm 35).
Impaled on long sharp spiky objects possibly spears, I'm not sure, my vision was blurry. Was stuck there slowly bleeding out. Couldn't move... it hurt so much. Even though I could see well, I heard and felt every droplet of blood as it dripped out of me, rolling down my skin before falling to the ground. But... it wasn't too bad, it gave a feeling of relief somehow.
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I had a dream last night that involved me playing cards with Shyvana from League of Legends, along with other people I don't remember. For some reason, my migraine headaches give me really bizarre dreams. If one happens, I'll try to write it down as soon as I wake up and post it here.
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