Sprites (Pre-Hardmode) Architeuthis Sea Boss


Duke Fishron

Architeuthis First Form
: Boss
AI Type: Jellyfish
(Floats to the player, summon small squid)
Max Life: 5000 (7000 ExpertMode)
Defense: 10
KB Resist: 100%

Architeuthis Second Form
AI Type: Jellyfish (Faster)
(Floats to the player, summon small squid)
Max Life: 2500 (3500 ExpertMode)
Defense: 10
KB Resist: 100%


Сoins: 4 Glod (100%)
Architeuthis Trophy (10%)
Architeuthis Mask (14%)
Squidy Sword (24%)
(22 Melee Damege; Knockback 4; Use time 14; Rarity Blue; Sell 95 Silver)
Squid Ring (5%)
(+ Speed in water)
Squid Hooks (12%)

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You should probably go and look at other boss suggestions because I have no clue on the boss's stats or what the boss and items do. Nice sprites though.
Your 'idea' is just sprites, though. You need a little story to go along with them (especially the one to the right - is that a weapon?)

We have a separate section for artwork, if you just want to display your sprites, I can move this thread to there.
Idea for summon: When you fish in the ocean, you have a chance of pulling up chum. Chum is a bait that can only pull up the Architeuthis boss, and in his second form, he'd take to the air.
dude your sprites are literally the :red:ing best

Good suggestion! I feel as though the "Squid Sword" and "Squid Ring" could have more creative names though. You also don't mention how it is summoned/spawns.
View attachment 117862

Architeuthis First Form
: Boss
AI Type: Jellyfish
(Floats to the player, summon small squid)
Max Life: 5000 (7000 ExpertMode)
Defense: 10
KB Resist: 100%

Architeuthis Second Form
AI Type: Jellyfish (Faster)
(Floats to the player, summon small squid)
Max Life: 2500 (3500 ExpertMode)
Defense: 10
KB Resist: 100%


Сoins: 4 Glod (100%)
Architeuthis Trophy (10%)
Architeuthis Mask (14%)
Squidy Sword (24%)
(22 Melee Damege; Knockback 4; Use time 14; Rarity Blue; Sell 95 Silver)
Squid Ring (5%)
(+ Speed in water)
Squid Hooks (12%)
Не обязательно создавать отдельный тред для каждого босса/сета. Достаточно просто сделать тред со своими спрайтами , как сделал я , к примеру
Eh I think Duke Fishron is enough. However I still SUPPORT this thread if this enemy is just a regular monster for Hardmode instead of just a boss. I don't think we have any hardmode monsters in ocean so this would be a great addition.
Right so I have a question- For a mod i'm making, I was thinking of having a Kraken boss. However, I don't know quite how to go around doing the sprite- I was wondering If I could use the outline of your sprite? Oh, Also the idea for the grappling hook on the right. Thanks in advance.
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