[Project] An efficient, well circulated base.


Eye of Cthulhu
I'm assuming, that everyone that has ever played Terraria has had that dream, or at least the ego: "I am going to make the best base the world has ever seen". Or maybe not, since I'm addressing a T-MEC audience; people who get more of a kick out of the pure mechanical challenges of the game. :D

So here is a building thread. Where does it find it's place at T-MEC?

@ZeroGravitas recently posted to some very interesting articles in his make-an-NPC-battle-arena thread. Of particular interest to me was the imgur article on how housing area is determined by a fill pattern, and how this fill pattern can be abused to create infinite NPC housings or very compact 3-tile wide NPC cells.

The thing that stood out to me in the examples of that article, is that while the 3-tile wide NPC cells achieved high horizontal compression, the area requirements for housing left large regions in each NPC cell inaccessible and unused. I set out to make more a more compact building by integrating these squandered spaces into circulation. Here is my result:


The housing is based on a module of a 7 by 6 tile NPC cell (including bounding walls) connected to 7 by 5 tile section of corridor in the vertical orientation, or a section of corridor of a variable amount to accommodate the overall building grid in the horizontal orientation. There are module variants for corridor above, below, to the left and to the right of the NPC cell. Yes, Ino loves his modules.

In coming up with this system, I went through numerous NPC cell variants. What slimmed down the competition, was the ability to tile the modules in 2 dimensions, while maintaining access to NPC on both sides of a corridor.


To be able to talk to an NPC, he/she cannot be more that three tiles away from the player. So, for as in this example, the NPC is inaccessible from the hallway without jumping.


The NPC cells all have a teleporter. This is foresight for an NPC shuffler/cycler that I am planning. The large yellow region in the center is intended for crafting and player spawn. This build assumes a bare minimum of essentials, so no silly trophy rooms and biome specific crafting stations are to be taken out of chests as needed. I am unsure of whether this build would float in the air or be placed on the ground. What do you guys normally do?

The astute observer will notice there are only 20 NPC cells, although the game has 22 house-able NPCs. I generally don't consider Santa an NPC, so that leaves 21, or an an odd number of NPCs and I thought I'd handle this problem by housing the guide in the open crafting space in the center of the build. Another solution would be to forgo the vertical shafts at the top or bottom of the build to gain the space I'd need for an extra cell.

One strange phenomenon that I came across while playing around with NPC housing is that furniture seems to have an effect on whether housing is valid or not. The following cozy example is valid,


but if the torches are replaced with lanterns in the NPC cells, it suddenly isn't anymore. This is one of many confusing examples I came across, others being changing the placement of a torch from the side to the center of a room turning a housing invalid. Obviously, there has got to be more than just total "free space" at work here. Leave it to Terraria to convince you, you understand how things work, and then prove you wrong.

I would greatly appreciate any feedback on my build or general advice you can give from your experience for making housing.

Did you know there is a TCF called "No More Wood Boxes"? Pshhh... I love boxes. Meow
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Dude you really are trying to compress the NPCs into oblivion! And eh, the last 3 images are really low quality. I can't make up anything.
Dude you really are trying to compress the NPCs into oblivion! And eh, the last 3 images are really low quality. I can't make up anything.

The smaller images are thumbnails. You click on them to enlarge them.

As for compressing the NPCs, this is more of an exercise in economy, than it is of aesthetics. On the otherhand, if you were to talk about accurate representation, the cross section of these NPCs cells probably more closely reflect the RL dimensions of the average room in a house than you see in other builds.

What about the truffle?

Oh yeah... forgot about that. Hmmm. So maybe I will house him somewhere else. Or make my home into a mushroom biome with as @awesomegamer919 suggests by building my home out of mushroom grass. Talk about forced aesthetic choices :D
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I like these houses, very small but functional, and look pretty sweet.

maybe I will house him somewhere else

I believe the house only needs to be within the mushroom biome, not just directly in it. You can have the biome nearby (within 50 tiles) and it should qualify as player biome calculations are within 50 tiles.

What do you guys normally do?

I like floating usually because of wraiths and such, though my own housing is underground so that doesn't really affect anything for NPCs.

This is foresight for an NPC shuffler/cycler

What kind of thing did you have in mind? I did a build to call NPCs to a position and send them back on this thread: http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/project-npc-dispenser.33062/ which involved an interesting housing as well. It's much less compact than yours but as I don't need to get to the NPCs themselves, it works out.
What kind of thing did you have in mind? I did a build to call NPCs to a position and send them back on this thread: http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/project-npc-dispenser.33062/ which involved an interesting housing as well.

Yes, I am well aware of your thread. It and the discussion I had with @Gyradosian in the NPC defense house thread are what is inspiring me to make an NPC cycler. Unlike your dispenser which associates the summoning of a specific town NPC to a specific lever in a row of levers, I was hoping to make a mechanism that cycles through the summoning of different NPCs with just one lever--basically to create a non-gender specific summoning mechanism, the way you wished the King of Queen statue worked: cycling and not random.

This mechanism could be used to summon town NPCs in a location external to the base or to allow the summoning of NPCs within the base in the vicinity of the player's crafting/workspace. The latter consideration would allow me to compact my base, at least in terms of the required navigable area, but puts into question why my showcased base structure then strives to provide easy access to the NPCs in their housing cells. A structure as shown in the first thumbnail may be more appropriate if I plan to primarily access my NPCs via NPC cycler. Then again, if there are no seriously drawback, I see no problem in providing different means of accessing my NPC within my base.
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Ah, I wasn't sure what you meant by cycler so thought it might be helpful to point towards a similar idea. I appreciate you getting ideas from it.

If I'm understanding it properly, then it's like a cyclical bank of NPCs connected to a teleporter hub?
After using my setup for a bit, I've come to the conclusion that I do not like how the chests are spread out around the base. I have difficulties remembering which chest is which, and so have decided to try consolidating functions in a vertical orientation:


This is a work in progress, but what I am attempting to create is a hallway elevator. Each hallway is cordoned off, and can only be reached by teleport. You cannot see the player teleporters because I have blacked them out for more clarity with the arrows. The player teleporters are directly beneath the arrows and switches in an actuated state.

The general concept is much harder to realize than you would think. Depending on the spacing, the row of player teleporters will either overlap in catchment area resulting in back teleportation if a switch is supposed to activate all the teleporters (one directional elevator), or leave gaps of non-teleportation in the hallway. I tried creating a hoik pattern in the hallway that upon the flip of a switch, first forces the player into the exclusive catchment area of a teleporter before moving the player to the next hallway (teleportation occurs before collision detection, dummy assistance is required), but the result is that the player is shifted in a horizontal direction while moving between hallways, and this is awkward because you expect upon repeated switch clicking (when moving between multiple levels) that the switch always reappears in the same place.

The build as you see it above works by lining up the width of the teleporter catchment areas on the basis of the player (five tiles wide) flush next to each other and coupling the switches to a single pair of teleporters in the vertical direction. It's possible to click on a switch and not be close enough to the teleporter it belongs to, so that you don't get teleported, but I tried communicating this through the visual representation of the grouping of the switches to arrows. As long as a portion of the player overlaps the yellow bars in the hallway and you click on the switch next to it, you will get teleported. It also makes for easier bidirectionality of the hallway elevator.

To get my five tiles width of spacing (two tiles between teleporters), I needed to slim down the width of the town NPC cells by one tile, which, miraculously, I managed to do while maintaining the same height and vertical spacing between cells. So, for those of you lamenting how small the cells are, yeah: they just got smaller. Keeping the previous vertical dimensions was important to me because if you can access town NPC from both above and below his cell, you can skip a hallway every other row of NPC cells.

If anybody has any ideas how to make the current design better, please share. I can still increase the player hallway by one tile in height. Maybe I can get an auto forward, or return-to.ground-level function weaseled in (extremely optimistic thinking here).

EDIT: I didn't put a teleporter row at ground level, but there should be one there. Going up at the highest story circulates back to the bottom.
[DOUBLEPOST=1450279301,1449935895][/DOUBLEPOST]This solution is horrible. :(
What about using @DicemanX 's teleporter hub? Then you can build INDIVIDUALISED HOUSES FOR EACH NPC!!! and all the npc's will be accessible easily.

That is a viable method but different from what I am trying to accomplish here. Using Joe's teleporter hub moves the player to the town NPCs' housings. An NPC cycler brings the town NPCs to the player with fewer levers and without the need to know which lever combination represents teleportation to which town NPC.
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