[Project] Panic Portal


Eye of Cthulhu
Some simple silly fun. I doubt this build would be worth the effort in a real game, but it's a panic portal which quickly teleports the player away from a dangerous place, 4 ticks at the latest after a player has entered the catchment area of the panic portal teleporter. A reason for doing this is that the game does not register the activation of a pressure plate on a platform if you fly up through it.

How you would go about creating something like this might seem obvious; simply hook up a teleporter to an ultimate engine (battery). However, with an ultimate engine, once the player has been teleported away from the entry teleporter to the exit teleporter, the player would have to be hoiked out of the catchment area of the exit teleporter within the game frame that it arrives, otherwise the player would start being bounced back and forth between the teleporters. The catchment area of a teleporter is larger than can be hoiked away from, especially if you want to hoik in one direction to a specific location. A slower than max rate engine has to be decided upon, and in the case of the build below, it is a four-stroke (15 activations per second) engine.

Another difficulty is, unlike other situations where you can influence how the player mounts a hoik track, here an external source (the engine) is teleporting the player into a track. The positioning of the player could be any, and if, as with the up-hoik track I've chosen, the player is inopportunely positioned such that the hoik teeth are at the players feet, he will get jammed in the track. In order to successfully hoik the player away, the tiers of teeth need to alternate in actuation state.

Capture25b.PNG Capture25c.PNG Capture25d.PNG Capture25e.PNG
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Ok, that sure is a wall of text and I got some troubles understanding all of it. (But I do get the gist.)
As far as I know, five--three is working on making the dummy ghosts visible, that might help you...
five--three is working on making the dummy ghosts visible, that might help you...

I would be very happy if they can get that to work!
[DOUBLEPOST=1443793527,1443624120][/DOUBLEPOST]I know that Joe @DicemanX was planning on making a casino or fun house. You could use these portals to make a game of Labyrinth,


or any of the arcade games were the player controls the x axis while obstacle scroll down the y (portals would be stationary while the player falls or ascends the screen using a gravity potion)
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