WIP Project TerraTale - Undertale Re-Created in Terraria!


THIS IS A W.I.P. MAP! (Progress is really slow, I have real life stuff to deal with, but DO expect this to be out sometime)

This is a massive project I started myself. It's TerraTale, fusing Terraria and Undertale! I am aiming to re-create ALL of undertale in this map, but only to look at. I won't be adding in the story. It's kind of hard turning an RPG game into a platformer, but I'm managing. This entire map is built by me, using a combination of in-game building and TEdit.

- All locations in Undertale!
- Locations outside the game (e.g. Mt. Ebott)
- A costume department so you can dress like your favorite characters!
- Free Roaming
- Puzzles (Yes, even though you cannot play the story on here, you can in fact enjoy the puzzles)
- Teleportation system (To teleport to specific parts of the world)
Here are a few little missions you can do for fun while playing the map:
- Find all the large gems
(More soon)
Progress meters: (Despite saying 100%, any of the sections completed may occasionally be updated to add detailing etc.)
Mt. Ebott (100%)
The Ruins (60%)
Snowdin (0%)
Waterfall (0%)
Hotlands (0%)
The Core (0%)
New Home/Hall of Judgement (0%)
True Lab (0%)
All Etc. Places (0%)

Screenshots coming soon!

I hope you look forward to seeing this map complete, because I sure as hell do!
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Wuuuuutttttt :red2:

Jk but really I don't play Undertale the most but gonna see this when its finished
When I first saw this post I was like ':redspin::red::red2::redmunch:'

Let's just say I was surprised.
Funny enough I too made an Undertale map that I actually finished and released! Furyforged played it! Planning on doing Deltarune as well!
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