Providing Help for Accessories

public override void DamageNPC(Player p, NPC n, int hitDir, ref int damage, ref float knockback, ref bool crit, ref float critMult) //This is called when the player attacks an NPC
p.statLife += 5; //any effect goes here, this gives the player 5 life upon attack of any NPC
This doesn't work the (DamageNPC) is a error
Hello! I'm new here. I've never modded in Terraria before so I came here asking for help.

For my first mod, I am trying to make a group of accessories that increase your amount of fishing lines (from +1 to +10) when equipped. Using the ExampleMod I have created the base accessories successfully (look, recipes, etc) and they appear ingame just fine, but I have no idea how to actually make them throw more lines while using a fishing pole. Any help would be appreciated!
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