PS4 Ps4 Terraria keybinds are keyboard not controller


Just came back to the game and installed 1.4 and the controls are completely different.

I want to use the dpad quick options, but am unable to do so.
When I go to keybindings, all of the buttons are assigned to a keyboard? (movement wasd, inventory i etc). I've never connected a keyboard to the Playstation.

The controls are so frustrating my partner and I are about to just stop playing all together. I'm completely unable to edit anything since all of the binds are assigned to a keyboard layout, not a controller for some unknown reason. When I go to controller layouts it doesn't pull up the annotated controller anymore, instead I have touch screen options... You know, for my touch screen television?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
While you can change the control scheme to something that resembles that of the pre 1.4 layout I unfortunately have to tell you that you can't go back to how it use to be. As for being defaulted to keyboard that is a bug I can't help troubleshoot. And the touch controls are for the Playstation controllers built in touch pad that lets you tie certain actions like pinching and swiping to certain actions. As for everything else you are going to need a lot of trial and error experimenting with controller binds to find something that suits you.

Despite all your frustations with the new system and having to relearn the controlls for a game again (or more than once depending on how long you have been around) the new control system allows for a more robust and personal control scheme that matches what you need. There are (most likely, probably) guides out on the Internet that can help guid you through changing your controller binds.
Just came back to the game and installed 1.4 and the controls are completely different.

I want to use the dpad quick options, but am unable to do so.
When I go to keybindings, all of the buttons are assigned to a keyboard? (movement wasd, inventory i etc). I've never connected a keyboard to the Playstation.

The controls are so frustrating my partner and I are about to just stop playing all together. I'm completely unable to edit anything since all of the binds are assigned to a keyboard layout, not a controller for some unknown reason. When I go to controller layouts it doesn't pull up the annotated controller anymore, instead I have touch screen options... You know, for my touch screen television?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi there @Nayld welcome to the forums. :)

On PS4 you should have a Controller options where you can change any action to whatever Button (or combination of buttons) you want.

This pic is from mobile, but it should look similar on PS4.

  • Go into settings, and navigate to the little controller icon
  • I would suggest choosing a scheme first. This will populate a lot of the bindings for you. Play with that for a bit, change bindings from there, and if an action is missing as you play, add a binding for it.
  • I don’t suggest starting off with Custom first. If you start with one of the others, it’s much easier to customize it from there. Starting from scratch is much harder than it sounds.


  • After you choose a scheme and play with it for a bit, when you want to make changes, you’d choose the “Controller Bindings” Edit (it’s above the Scheme selection on first pic).
  • From there you can see there are a lot of tabs that include any action that you want to change the binding for.
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