Game Mechanics Pulling on hooks

M the Mister

Hi gang!

So I'm here to suggest a little mechanic that I would like to see be added
Of course I'm talking about hooks, I would like to see hooks be able to pull enemies towards you

So that's It. If I'm missing any information please notify me. Thanks everyone for reading.

I wouldn't mind a single hook, or a special type of hook, that had this mechanic (I think some of the stuff in the Titan Slaying Gear, by Baconfry, has a similar effect (someone correct me if I'm wrong, it's been a while)), but just slapping on a 'pull enemies to you' effect to all hooks would be hugely detrimental.

Not in the least because there has almost never been a situation in which I WANT an enemy to be pulled toward me- I want them as far from my face as possible.
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