(Question For Terraria Developers) Is Cthulhu dead?


I've always been a lore nerd when it comes to video games i like, i like knowing the stories behind everything. So i've been wondering, is Cthulhu dead?

I believe that's what you're leading players to believe considering his brain and eyes are out there but i'm not absolutely certain, so i'd like you to confirm it.

Is Cthulhu dead? And if so, how did such a powerful being die like that?
Hello and welcome to the forums.

Cthulhu is borrowed from classic horror stories by H.P. Lovecraft and some of his associates. In the 1928 story "The Call of Cthulhu" it's explained that his worshipers chant "In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming." He has been imprisoned and will some day wake: when he does, Katy bar the door.

There's not much resemblance between the "real" Cthulhu and the related bosses in the game. The being described in the stories is immeasurably more powerful.

As far as Terraria lore goes, I think the idea is to let players decide for themselves just what's going on. A similar principle applies to topics such as what exactly the Wall of Flesh is; the relationship among Old Man/Clothier and Skeletron; and so forth. Kind of a "we set 'em up, you knock 'em down" deal.

[A belated P.S.] I'm a software developer, but haven't worked on Terraria. I am fairly familiar with 19th- and 20th-century sf/fantasy/horror though.
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