IC Random Journey in The Universe (IC)

(@Chir')"|Then you do know the purpose of the void, or at least part of it. The other part is related to how the void doesn't seem to care about what will happen once it has infected everyone, so what do you think that part is?|"
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"|I'm not sure.|"
"|Same here.|"
"|I think I've heard it being called a weapon at some point. I think that was while I was still a ghost.|"
"|Yes, the void was designed to be a weapon. The void also is aware that it is a weapon, and for a few seconds while talking there seemed to be a bit of an understanding. The void cannot be reasoned with, not because of it being ignorant of what it is, but because it is aware of what it is. It almost makes me wonder what would happen if someone gave the void the ability to ignore its purpose, but I doubt that would make things any different.|"
Lukas looks around.
"|Now the only question I have is why. Why would anyone want to create a weapon like the void, with absolutely no way of targetting it, and limited ways of stopping it. And from what the void has told me, even it doesn't know.|"
"|Maybe, or maybe it changed, or maybe it was intentional for it to be the way it is, as a contingency plan for if the creators were defeated, the void would be released. I don't kmow, but either way, we must stop the void.|"
"|Yeah, but I still think we should do something about it spreading.|"
Lukas quickly glances at Lavin to see if she seems upset, then looks at the others.
"|Now, I have an idea, but I'm not sure how well it would work, and it would require one of us to be infected with the normal version of the void.|"
"|Implant a device in someone to monitor what they're thinking, and as their mind gets taken over by the void hivemind, then we'll be able to know what the void is thinking.|"
"|So... one of us sacrifice ourselves for it? Although... maybe there could be something left from one of Streyll's experiments, I know he had another modified version, which could get into the hivemind, just without the rest of the things.|"
"|Maybe that could work, and we could try it, but the problem is the void might realize that there's someone that's still an individual. However, it might be good to start with that to see if it works, as it would be better than one of us sacrificing themself completely.|"
"|Well, let's start with that one anyway, and if it doesn't work, we'll switch to the normal one. Do any of you know where Streyll's lab is?|"
"|We don't, and if one of us does have to sacrifice ourselves, then I'm already volunteering, I've died before, and I know if I die again I'll just go back to being a ghost like I was before.|"
Lukas takes off, then starts flying around and searching for the lab.
"*Also, Ertwin, I also have a backup in case I die, so I won't stop you from volunteering, but if your sacrifice doesn't work, I'll go next.*"
"*Should we maybe add a killswitch to the thing we'll be using for the tracking? And what exactly are we going to do with the information?*"
"*Killswitch for the connection, or for the person? And the information is to track what the void is doing so we can cure it more effectively.*"
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