Switch Ranged Cursor on Switch Unecessarily Difficult?



I just started playing Terraria on the Switch Lite after many many hours playing it on my Vita. I thought the transition to the switch would be very easy seeing as it has more buttons than the Vita, and while there is the usual growing pain of learning new control schemes and devices, something that keeps irking me is how difficult it is to aim with a ranged weapon while using the smart cursor.

On the Vita, ranged weapons worked perfectly adequately, and there was no difference between the smart cursor when using any weapon or tool, it always made a tight circular radius around the player. This meant you could aim quickly and effectively.

However on the switch, this cursor has been effectively nerfed, and now rests almost halfway across the screen from the player while it use, meaning that aiming is much more loose while simultaneously inaccurate as your point of reference is often far behind what you are aiming at, especially in the early games when most fights are very in your face. This makes ranged classes feel weak, sluggish, and pretty unusable.

The original cursor is still used with melee weapons and tools, only jumping away from you when you equip a ranged weapon. Why? I know theres a lock on feature, but with the original cursor I had no need for such an assist. I'm very disappointed in what has been lost in translation, and any feedback or advice would be very appreciated.

Thanks for your time
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As a switch player I’d say that u are right. I’m almost at the moon lord and I can’t use ranged weapons. It will become easier over time as you get the mega shark or the Gatligator. The other cursor isn’t good either as it moves very slow. I sometimes find myself using the touchscreen, it’s better than you think
It sounds like the smart cursor's reach is limited by the range of the weapon or tool you're using. Since range weapons don't have that limitation it's getting very distant from the character. I understand your frustrations though.
In face,if you use some melee weapon which one have projectile, like Flying dragon or influx waver ,and all yoyo,it have same problem

When I in a battle,I don't need a big range but move slow cursor
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