Re-Logic Statement Regarding Unity & the Future


Staff member
Re-LogicStatement 2.png


Re-Logic is very interested and supportive of this new direction for Monogame - an open source project with so much potential. After our announcement earlier this week, we had many people asking us whether or not we would also choose to support Monogame. Barring anything unforeseen, it is our intention to support Monogame with the same level of donation that we provided to Godot and FNA earlier this week. By necessity, this donation will need to wait until all of the foundational setup steps they outlined in today's announcement. We hope this will give the next era of this project a nice running start, and we look forward to seeing how it will evolve in the time to come.
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Plenty of news articles out there to catch you up. :guidesmile:
jeez, this is coming from someone who needs to watch NintendNo be horribly greedy on a daily basis: what the :red:. That is the single most greedy thing I've seen in the past few years probably.
looks like I'll have to learn how to code a 3D game in C# too someday...
Does this mean the update will be delayed for console and mobile, does this mean Terraria will be more expensive on console and mobile, or will this delay the update for everyone?
I honestly hope that’s not the case, mate. Because I am a long-life console and mobile player. Seeing that Unity’s creator wants to do the controversial runtime fee is just :red:ing horrible. I mean this is the Re-Logic PC thread, so therefore I do not know.
ahh yes, a solemn jpeg... wait it's not that kind of solemn jpeg!?
PS: might want to add alt text if possible
EDIT: No alt text added by 21-09-23, guessing the forum software makes that impossible. Transcription below:


The team at Re-Logic has been watching the recent events surrounding Unity with both interest and sadness. The loss of a formerly-leading and user-friendly game engine to the darker fores that negatively impact so much of the gaming industry has left us dismayed to but it mildly. While we do not personally use Unity (outside of a few elements on our console/mobile platforms), we feel like we cannot sit idly by as these predatory moves are made against studios everywhere.

We unequivocally condemn and reject the recent TOS/fee changes proposed by Unity and the underhanded way they were rolled out. The flippant manner with which years of trust cultivated by Unity were cast aside for yet another way to squeeze publishers, studios, and gamers is the saddest part. That this move was wholly unnecessary pushes things into the tragedy category -- a cautionary tale the industry will not soon forget.

We do not feel that a simple public statement is sufficient. Even if Unity were to recant their policies and statements, the destruction of trust is not so easily repaired. We strongly feel that it is now equally important to get behind some of the other up-and-coming open source game engines. Lighting some candles in an otherwise dark moment.

To that end, we are donating $100,000 to each of the open source engines listed below. Additionally, we are sponsoring each of these projects with $1,000/month each moving forward. All we ask in return is that they remain good people and keep doing all that they can to make these engines powerful and approachable for developers everywhere.

GODOT Game engine | FNA

Re-Logic has always been supportive of game developers and indie studios that do things the right way. We feel that our actions in this moment are the best way to carry that mission forward -- by accelerating and strengthening competing open source game engines, we hope to empower and assist studios that are struggling with how best to proceed given these recent events.


In the light of the recent news in the game industry and to reassure the community about our commitment, the MonoGame Team would like to share our future plans. The team wishes the MonoGame Framework to become future-proof, both from a technical and governance perspective.

This new era of the open-source project will see the creation of a non-profit foundation to which all rights and properties will be transferred to, with the aim of ensuring MonoGame remains open-source, and free for all and any scenario, including on consoles.

This foundation will allow the adoption of a more sustainable model and will open MonoGame to be supported by more patrons. A new board will be created within this organization with the task to define which projects to undertake, and how they may be funded, transparently.

We will discuss the roadmap at a later time, by we can already state that MonoGame's goals will be set with regard to the quality of developer onboarding for the framework, its stability and console support of the current version, and the start of a new iteration to further expand MonoGame's reach and capabilities.

We will communicate the progress of this transition based on developments in future announcements.

We look forward to everyone joining us on this new and exciting chapter.

The MonoGame Team​
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Plenty of news articles out there to catch you up. :guidesmile:
the fact that unity is doing this annoys me. not because it delays the update, but because it just isn’t right. i hate it when things like this happen. (maybe if enough companies/game developers or whatever leave it won’t be called “unity” anymore >:] )
Fantastic! I've been thinking of checking Godot out... knowing that Relogic provided a donation to Godot makes me even more interested in it!
I had heard that Unity had done this, maybe a couple of days ago. To be honest, until this post, I had completely forgotten that Terraria, on consoles at least, use Unity to some degree. I wish you developers the best of luck in the coming months!
Hopefully, we can teach the people behind a Unity a lesson, but more importantly, teach the entirety of Gamedev a lesson with this, that indie developers and players will *NOT* stand for this corporate greed BS.

Did they not learn from WOTC?

I've seen a meme floating around in my discord channels (I've spoilered it because it is mildly vulgar)


I'm posting it because it just... fits.

But, if greedy people won't learn their lessons, then it falls upon us to remind them, time and time again that this crap does not work, period.

If they wanted to change the pricing, fine. But do so honestly and without the low under-handed sneaky junk. If they need more revenue, hey I get it. There's surely better ways to do it.
I said this earlier today but it bears repeating:
The popular indie hit Vampire Survivors just switched over to Unity right before this poonado happened. (And I am pretty upset about it. I love that game.)

Developers at Unity are suffering an all-time-low in terms of morale. A bunch of them are about to jump ship.

And also Godot is going out of its way to help game developers out in these stressful times. Helpful advice on what to do, or not to do. Major Bro Energy.

This one's for you, John Riccitiello, CEO of Unity: 🖕
Common Re-Logic W

Jokes aside, glad y'all chose to do the right thing.
Some of my favourite offline games, including Juno New Origins, the favourite game of mine, run on Unity, so I'm worried about their future (JNO's devs are just as good as Re-Logic imo, but they haven't said anything about the Unity thing yet) because if I lose that game then I lose my greatest source of fun. Fingers crossed that all of the indie game devs can join together in one riot and maybe even get backup support from some of the mainstream big boys.
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