RE LOGIC! -Terraria logic jokes!

Chlorophyte is a real world algae
(Looks it up)
Rune Wizard has the highest contact damage in the game bar the Dungeon Guardian. He wants to kill you.

He also has the AI that makes him the least likely to come into contact with you at any given point.
Water Gun - does no damage
Slime Gun - does no damage
Bubble Gun - one of the most powerful magic weapons in the game
Flare Gun - does 2 damage
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It was always silly that I can put chests inside chests.
Or even better, put pianos, beds, sofas, grandfather clocks, other heavy furniture, and basically anything big inside a piggy bank.
It was always silly that I can put chests inside chests.
Or even better, put pianos, beds, sofas, grandfather clocks, other heavy furniture, and basically anything big inside a piggy bank.
Do I need to go dig up the "hammer space" quote again from a few pages back?
If you hit a bunny in the head with your hammer, it survives and recovers so quickly that it's like nothing happened. Yet, if you hit it twice, it dies.
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