Blocks & Decoration Replantable Lillypads and Reeds


Living Tree
The new water plants are beautiful, but so easy to destroy by accident. My Imp Staff and Starfury have destroyed all the reeds and at least half the lilypads, so I'd love a way to replant them. It also seems annoying that builders have to build around and protect natural ones instead of making a perfect lake when naturally generated ponds can be awkwardly shaped or hard to build around.

Seeds for them like the flower and grass ones the Dryad sells would be awesome! (By the way, the flower and grass seeds were a pretty cool addition.)
Staff of Regrowth on Water tiles seems like this would work nicely too

Implicitly lilypads and cattails (latter is harder to do because they're taller) already do grow if there is grass on the pond's bottom corresponding directly to 1 free space of air, but a quick check above & below for regrow staff would help.
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