Items Retribution Pendant: Item that increases critical damage.


The Retribution Pendant occasionally drops from Reapers in Solar Eclipses, which spawn after all three mechanical bosses die in Hardmode.

It increases the critical damage you deal to enemies by 25%, this makes the damage dealt on a critical strike a nice 125% damage instead of the normal doubling, and affects weapons from all classes.

The 25% critical damage increase conferred by the Retribution Pendant is a modest boost in damage output, and affects all classes as an accessory. The Retribution Pendant, basically, increases the damage multiplier of critical hits by 25%.

The pendant is cursed and dark in appearance. It has Lime rarity. You might want to keep the Retribution Pendant, as it could probably be added to the Destroyer Emblem.

Tooltip: Critical damage multiplier is increased by 25%, Affects all classes
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As much as I love the idea of Crit Damage increases, 15% is pretty weak, considering it'd only be 15% more damage at 100% crit chance. I think maybe this number should be 25% instead of 15%, to adequately reward maximizing crit chance while still being noticeable at lower values.
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