PC Sampling the Sounds of 1.3

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The puns!
Best spoiler so far! Music gets me more excited than anything! I can't wait to hear when it plays in game! Sounds like a battle but it also may actually be some sort of new biome music, that's what I'm hoping for! After all Crimson sounds like battle music towards the end of the track. I really hope there's some sort of mechanical biome, that'd be awesome!
But this thing is a battle theme through and through. Not just one part... but all of it and not just at the end like the Crimson.
Hmm I suspect it's the lunar boss or the lunar event music it could also be a biome or...... It does sound very technoey what if it's ........ CYBER music #cyber music or they could add cyber bosses which would work really well with this music
And thus is the reason I have trouble getting hyped anymore

Well, you're missing the fundamental difference between hype and expectation. The point of maintaining hype is to build interest when things are in progress. Giving a deadline would make a promise which may not be kept. And would thus let down your expectations... Hype is different in a way that I really love. It shows we are still progressing, and keeps the community interested in the process.

I mean, we could just let everyone's interest die off until the next update comes out. But then how many of you would be around to care? How many people would still be here to give us great ideas (we do read them by the way).

You know, one of my favorite things to do is come here and check how many notifications I have? I love the idea of logging in and realizing people care about what is being done. Not only does it show interest in the game, but it reinforces I am working for a great company who keeps it's community engaged.

So, before you jump off the hype train remember, it's not about teasing you (well, it's a little about teasing you) with things you can't have. It's about showing you we care, and understand you are waiting patiently for the next big addition to one of your favorite games... I take that back, your ONLY FAVORITE GAME! (other games... pfft)

So, enjoy the hype; even if that's just a quick visit to listen to the music, watch a video, post a comment or two, or engage in an epic pun battle with a few great people of our awesome community.
LEMME TRY (and fail miserably) TO MAKE A COVER...
Let's see.
New Lunar Boss, probably.
I dunno about a second movement, maybe we ought to just give it a rest. After all, if our puns are off-bass, we might just get ourselves into treble. We wouldn't want to end up in a situation wholenote-interlude-harmony-duet-nocturne-oboe-mezzo
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