Sans Mod request


I have no idea if i'm posting this in the right place.
This mod request is basically a sans mod
This mod idea makes your mana your lifeline
These items are crafted with Hardmode materials or found in chests

item: Ghaster Blaster
mana cost: 5
Magic Damage: 5
speed: insanely fast
functions like the sky fracture but shoots MANY low damage projectiles in a straight line that inflict a poison/poison-like debuff
Crafting: 1 sky fracture and 999 bones

item: Sans Glove
mana cost: 1
Magic Damage: 5
shoots many bone/bone-like projectiles in a straight line dealing low damage and inflicting a poison/poison-like debuff
Crafting: 1 Laser Machinegun and 999 Bones

Item: Shortcut Staff
mana cost: 10
basically the Rod of Discord but without the chaos state debuff
Crafting: 1 Rod of Discord and 999 Bones

Item: Glowing Eye
armor slot: head
Defense: 1
Max Health -9%
user uses 10 mana each time they doge an attack.
Gives a 200% chance to doge an attack as long as the user has mana
Crafting: 20 Souls of flight and 999 Bones

Item: Old Hoodie
armor slot: chest
Defense: 1
Max Health -50%
Crafting: 10 Souls of flight and 999 Bones

item: Old sweatpants
armor slot: legs
Defense: 1
Max health -40%
Crafting: 5 Souls of flight and 999 Bones

Item: pink slippers
Crafting: 2 bunnies and one pink dye

Item: Small Ghaster Blaster
Pet Item
a small Ghaster Blaster fallows you

(optional) Item: Skeletal Music Box
plays Megalovania
Crafting: any music box and 999 bones

If your here thanks for reading this and if you make this mod a reality please send me a download link or email the file to me at [email protected].
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i am now learning to make mods so i only need someone to build some sprites for me (You will be credited of course)
actually i am having trouble coding the projectiles and magic weapons in so anyone willing to try making this is welcome to.
im haveing some trouble. the mod builds correctly but when i reload mods i get this error message

   at Terraria.ModLoader.Mod.GetTexture(String name)
   at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.GetTexture(String name)
   at Terraria.ModLoader.ModItem.AutoStaticDefaults()
   at Terraria.ModLoader.Mod.SetupContent()
   at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.do_Load(Object threadContext)

this is the code of the ghaster blaster and the laser

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Terraria;
using Terraria.ModLoader;
using Terraria.ID;
namespace DeadeyesKarma.Items
public class CustomBeamWeapon : ModItem

public override void SetStaticDefaults()
DisplayName.SetDefault("Ghaster Blaster");
Tooltip.SetDefault("Megolavania Intensifies");
public override void SetDefaults()
item.damage = 5; //The damage stat for the Weapon.
item.noMelee = true; //Setting to True allows the weapon sprite to stop doing damage, so only the projectile does the damge
item.noUseGraphic = false;
item.magic = true; //This defines if it does magic damage and if its effected by magic increasing Armor/Accessories. = true; //Channel so that you can held the weapon
item.mana = 5; //How mutch mana this weapon use
item.rare = 6; //The color the title of your Weapon when hovering over it ingame
item.width = 28; //The size of the width of the hitbox in pixels.
item.height = 30; //The size of the height of the hitbox in pixels.
item.useTime = 7; //How fast the Weapon is used.
item.UseSound = SoundID.Item13; //The sound played when using your Weapon
item.useStyle = 5; //The way your Weapon will be used, 5 is the Holding Out Used for: Guns, Spellbooks, Drills, Chainsaws, Flails, Spears for example
item.shootSpeed = 4f; //This defines the projectile speed when shoot
item.useAnimation = 7; //Speed is not important here
item.shoot = mod.ProjectileType("CustomBeamProj"); //This defines what type of projectile this weapon will shoot
item.value = Item.sellPrice(0, 3, 0, 0);// How much the item is worth, in copper coins, when you sell it to a merchant. It costs 1/5th of this to buy it back from them. An easy way to remember the value is platinum, gold, silver, copper or PPGGSSCC (so this item price is 3gold)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Terraria;
using Terraria.ModLoader;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.Enums;
namespace DeadeyesKarma.Projectiles
    public class CustomBeamProj : ModProjectile
        public override void SetStaticDefaults()
        private Vector2 _targetPos;         //Ending position of the laser beam
        private int _charge;                //The charge level of the weapon
        private float _moveDist = 45f;       //The distance charge particle from the player center
        public override void SetDefaults()
            projectile.width = 10;
            projectile.height = 10;
            projectile.friendly = true;     //this defines if the projectile is frendly
            projectile.penetrate = -1;  //this defines the projectile penetration, -1 = infinity
            projectile.tileCollide = false;   //this defines if the tile can colide with walls
            projectile.magic = true;
            projectile.hide = true;
        public override bool PreDraw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Color lightColor)
            if (_charge == 100)
                Vector2 unit = _targetPos - Main.player[projectile.owner].Center;
                DrawLaser(spriteBatch, Main.projectileTexture[projectile.type], Main.player[projectile.owner].Center, unit, 5, projectile.damage, -1.57f, 1f, 1000f, Color.White, 45);// this is the projectile sprite draw, 45 = the distance of where the projectile starts from the player
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// The core function of drawing a laser
        /// </summary>
        public void DrawLaser(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Texture2D texture, Vector2 start, Vector2 unit, float step, int damage, float rotation = 0f, float scale = 1f, float maxDist = 2000f, Color color = default(Color), int transDist = 50)
            Vector2 origin = start;
            float r = unit.ToRotation() + rotation;
            #region Draw laser body
            for (float i = transDist; i <= _moveDist; i += step)
                Color c = Color.White;
                origin = start + i * unit;
                spriteBatch.Draw(texture, origin - Main.screenPosition,
                    new Rectangle(0, 26, 28, 26), i < transDist ? Color.Transparent : c, r,
                    new Vector2(28 / 2, 26 / 2), scale, 0, 0);
            #region Draw laser tail
            spriteBatch.Draw(texture, start + unit * (transDist - step) - Main.screenPosition,
                new Rectangle(0, 0, 28, 26), Color.White, r, new Vector2(28 / 2, 26 / 2), scale, 0, 0);
            #region Draw laser head
            spriteBatch.Draw(texture, start + (_moveDist + step) * unit - Main.screenPosition,
                new Rectangle(0, 52, 28, 26), Color.White, r, new Vector2(28 / 2, 26 / 2), scale, 0, 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Change the way of collision check of the projectile
        /// </summary>
        public override bool? Colliding(Rectangle projHitbox, Rectangle targetHitbox)
            if (_charge == 100)
                Player p = Main.player[projectile.owner];
                Vector2 unit = (Main.player[projectile.owner].Center - _targetPos);
                float point = 0f;
                if (Collision.CheckAABBvLineCollision(targetHitbox.TopLeft(), targetHitbox.Size(), p.Center - 95f * unit, p.Center - unit * _moveDist, 22, ref point))
                    return true;
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Change the behavior after hit a NPC
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnHitNPC(NPC target, int damage, float knockback, bool crit)
            target.immune[projectile.owner] = 5;
        /// <summary>
        /// The AI of the projectile
        /// </summary>
        public override void AI()
            Vector2 mousePos = Main.MouseWorld;
            Player player = Main.player[projectile.owner];
            #region Set projectile position
            if (projectile.owner == Main.myPlayer) // Multiplayer support
                Vector2 diff = mousePos - player.Center;
                projectile.position = player.Center + diff * _moveDist;
                projectile.timeLeft = 2;
                int dir = projectile.position.X > player.position.X ? 1 : -1;
                player.heldProj = projectile.whoAmI;
                player.itemTime = 2;
                player.itemAnimation = 2;
                player.itemRotation = (float)Math.Atan2(diff.Y * dir, diff.X * dir);
            #region Charging process
            // Kill the projectile if the player stops channeling
            if (!
                if (Main.time % 10 < 1 && !player.CheckMana(player.inventory[player.selectedItem].mana, true))
                Vector2 offset = mousePos - player.Center;
                offset *= _moveDist - 20;
                Vector2 dustPos = player.Center + offset - new Vector2(10, 10);
                if (_charge < 100)
                int chargeFact = _charge / 20;
                Vector2 dustVelocity = Vector2.UnitX * 18f;
                dustVelocity = dustVelocity.RotatedBy(projectile.rotation - 1.57f, default(Vector2));
                Vector2 spawnPos = projectile.Center + dustVelocity;
                for (int k = 0; k < chargeFact + 1; k++)
                    Vector2 spawn = spawnPos + ((float)Main.rand.NextDouble() * 6.28f).ToRotationVector2() * (12f - (chargeFact * 2));
                    Dust dust = Main.dust[Dust.NewDust(dustPos, 30, 30, 235, projectile.velocity.X / 2f,    //this 30, 30 is the dust weight and height 235 is the tail dust   
                        projectile.velocity.Y / 2f, 0, default(Color), 1f)];
                    dust.velocity = Vector2.Normalize(spawnPos - spawn) * 1.5f * (10f - chargeFact * 2f) / 10f;
                    dust.noGravity = true;
                    dust.scale = Main.rand.Next(10, 20) * 0.05f;
            #region Set laser tail position and dusts
            if (_charge < 100) return;
            Vector2 start = player.Center;
            Vector2 unit = (player.Center - mousePos);
            unit *= -1;
            for (_moveDist = 95f; _moveDist <= 1600; _moveDist += 5) //this 1600 is the dsitance of the beam
                start = player.Center + unit * _moveDist;
                if (!Collision.CanHit(player.Center, 1, 1, start, 1, 1))
                    _moveDist -= 5f;
                if (projectile.soundDelay <= 0)//this is the proper sound delay for this type of weapon
                    Main.PlaySound(2, (int)projectile.Center.X, (int)projectile.Center.Y, 15);    //this is the sound when the weapon is used   cheange 15 for diferent sound
                    projectile.soundDelay = 40;    //this is the proper sound delay for this type of weapon
            _targetPos = player.Center + unit * _moveDist;
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
                float num1 = projectile.velocity.ToRotation() + (Main.rand.Next(2) == 1 ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * 1.57f;
                float num2 = (float)(Main.rand.NextDouble() * 0.8f + 1.0f);
                Vector2 dustVel = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(num1) * num2, (float)Math.Sin(num1) * num2);
                Dust dust = Main.dust[Dust.NewDust(_targetPos, 0, 0, 235, dustVel.X, dustVel.Y, 0, new Color(), 1f)];  //this is the head dust
                Dust dust2 = Main.dust[Dust.NewDust(_targetPos, 0, 0, 235, dustVel.X, dustVel.Y, 0, new Color(), 1f)]; //this is the head dust 2
                dust.noGravity = true;
                dust.scale = 1.2f;
        public override bool ShouldUpdatePosition()
            return false;

i don't get what the error says thanks in advance.
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