Mobile Sharknados Shooting Furniture


My sharknados shoot furniture after they are active for a while. My brother;s sharknados shoot gatligators and chain guns. Neither were shown on the other;s screen but we confirmed it on each other’s screen. What is happening?
My sharknados shoot furniture after they are active for a while. My brother;s sharknados shoot gatligators and chain guns. Neither were shown on the other;s screen but we confirmed it on each other’s screen. What is happening?
Any way that you can get a screenshot of this? I’d love to see it.
Do you just mean that they're shooting projectiles other than sharks? Because if so this can often be an issue with older devices where textures don't load in properly. I notice this happens often to me on my iPod Touch 5th Gen where it'll just start shooting some nonsense that isn't sharks. I very well may have misunderstood what you said so let me know if I did, I'm quite tired.
I sort-of have this problem too, but it's never furniture or weapons, that would be cool though.

Like 25%-50% of the time, my Sharknado will shoot the Buff Icon for itself, instead of the Shark.

Very hard to capture via image, and I can't record video.
Yeah. The furniture still deals damage. Isn’t visible on other people’s screen in multiplayer. My brothers furniture looks like sharks on my iPad. Hard to get screenshot of it. It seems like each screenshot only has sharks. Weird? Or maybe my timing is bad? It is mostly golden furniture you get from pirate invasion. I have beat everything so maybe something like an Easter egg? IDK
Do you just mean that they're shooting projectiles other than sharks? Because if so this can often be an issue with older devices where textures don't load in properly. I notice this happens often to me on my iPod Touch 5th Gen where it'll just start shooting some nonsense that isn't sharks. I very well may have misunderstood what you said so let me know if I did, I'm quite tired.
Yeah look at my other post
Any way that you can get a screenshot of this? I’d love to see it.

I’ll try but look at my other post
Well, I have nearly everything, and it still only shoots the buff icon for itself.

Then again, I only use one Tempest Staff... Maybe the effects are different from staff to staff? Or Character to Character? World to World? I'll check it out soon.
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