PC Solar pillar very easy


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If you have the corite banner and a lot of defensive ability, you can stay between blocks attacking the monsters through the blocks with the correct weapon or shooting through a hole the size of a block with Chlorophyte Bullets for example, the only thing that will attack you is the corite with "1" damage, and in master mode.
Sem título 33.png

All accessories with "warding"
Sem título 44.png

This strategy with this equipment can work on the other pillars as well with banners (a little less effective in some cases, so you may still need to heal with the nurse in some cases and return quickly with teleporters/recall potion/return potion/magic mirror), but it is better to put more space between the blocks where you will be because of the explosions from the stardust pillar flow invaders.

Personally, I don’t even need to have the banner, I’m killing enemies this way, healing with the nurse and returning quickly with teleporter while I don’t have the banner.

Game Version difference:
This strategy has the potential to work well on all pillars now, now banners protect against projectiles too, although I haven't tested it on pillars other than solar yet.
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