Create accessories from buff potions that provide the same benefits but with infinite duration. Further combine these accessories into custom combinations to create truly powerful pieces of equipment.
Basic solidified potions for nearly every buff can be made at any placed bottle. Combining the solidified potions themselves requires an Alchemy Table obtained from the Dungeon. Right-click an Alchemy Table to open the reforge-like interface.
If you're not interesting in accessories but are looking for different types of potions then you should know that this is now the home of Khaelis' potions. Also a new set of original potions is in development.
Special thanks to:
Also thanks to:
Honorable mention to bug reporters:
tModLoader server
Version 0.5.0 - Jan 30, 2017
There were a lot of changes this time so please let me know if you spot an effect that doesn't seem to be working properly or if a tooltip line actually disappears (they have been reordered so look closely). Dealing with modded potions with effects that overlap (e.g. two effects that both increase melee speed) is more complicated than I thought (mostly in terms of displaying the numbers correctly) and the "nerf" will take a different form. I will be looking at the potions individually and some of the maximum effects may be lowered.
Next Release
Compatibility Notes
Khaelis' Potions
These are regular drinkable potions that can be created at a placed bottle or Alchemy Table. All the credit for these goes to @Khaelis. I'm simply giving them a good home.
Khaelis' Artillery Potion - Increases Rocket damage by 15%
Khaelis' Bewitching Potion - Increases Minion damage by 10%
Khaelis' Bouncy Potion - Negates fall damage
Khaelis' Climber Potion - Allows the ability to climb walls
Khaelis' Dragoon Potion - Increases jump height
Khaelis' Fearless Potion - Increases Melee attack speed by 10%
Khaelis' Manaforce Potion - Increases max mana by 10%, Maximum mana will not surpass 400
Khaelis' Ninja Potion - Increases Throwing damage and critical chance by 10%
Khaelis' Panacea Potion - Removes most debuffs, 5 second cooldown
Khaelis' Penetration Potion - Increases armor penetration by 5
Khaelis' Sniper Potion - Increases Bullet damage by 10%
Khaelis' Stamina Potion - Increases Defense by 5 and Movement speed by 5%
Original Potions
Potions that I am in the process of developing.
Tim's Fishing Potion - Gives chance to catch multiple fish
Tim's Anchor Potion - Greatly increases falling speed
Basic Solidified Potions
The basic accessories are made from 30 of the particular buff potion and a chain.
Solidified Ammo Reservation Potion
Solidified Archery Potion
Solidified Battle Potion
Solidified Builder Potion
Solidified Calming Potion
Solidified Crate Potion
Solidified Dangersense Potion
Solidified Endurance Potion
Solidified Featherfall Potion
Solidified Fishing Potion
Solidified Flipper Potion
Solidified Gills Potion
Solidified Gravitation Potion
Solidified Heartreach Potion
Solidified Hunter Potion
Solidified Inferno Potion
Solidified Ironskin Potion
Solidified Invisibility Potion
Solidified Lifeforce Potion
Solidified Magic Power Potion
Solidified Mana Regeneration Potion
Solidified Mining Potion
Solidified Night Owl Potion
Solidified Obsidian Skin Potion
Solidified Rage Potion
Solidified Regeneration Potion
Solidified Shine Potion
Solidified Sonar Potion
Solidified Spelunker Potion
Solidified Summoning Potion
Solidified Swiftness Potion
Solidified Thorns Potion
Solidified Titan Potion
Solidified Warmth Potion
Solidified Water Walking Potion
Solidified Wrath Potion
Notes about potion effects:
Solidified Thorium Accuracy Potion
Solidified Thorium Aqua Potion
Solidified Thorium Blood Potion
Solidified Thorium Combat Potion
Solidified Thorium Conflagration Potion
Solidified Thorium Frenzy Potion
Solidified Thorium Frost-Heart Elixir
Solidified Thorium Glowing Potion
Solidified Thorium Holy Potion
Solidified Thorium Silver Tongue Potion
Notes about Thorium potion effects:
Solidified Cosmic Battle Dancer Draught
Solidified Cosmic Duelist Draught
Solidified Cosmic Earthen Draught
Solidified Cosmic Elixir of Flight
Solidified Cosmic Elixir of Reconstruction
Solidified Cosmic Shock Tonic
Solidified Cosmic Elixir of Steel
Solidified Cosmic Tenacity Tonic
Notes about Cosmic potion effects:
Solidified Khaelis' Artillery Potion
Solidified Khaelis' Bewitching Potion
Solidified Khaeli's Bouncy Potion
Solidified Khaelis' Climber Potion
Solidified Khaelis' Dragoon Potion
Solidified Khaelis' Fearless Potion
Solidified Khaelis' Manaforce Potion
Solidified Khaelis' Ninja Potion
Solidified Khaeli's Panacea Potion
Solidified Khaelis' Penetration Potion
Solidified Khaelis' Sniper Potion
Solidified Khaelis' Stamina Potion
Notes about Khaelis' potion effects:
Solidified Tim's Fishing Potion
Solidified Tim's Anchor Potion
Solidified Crystilium Crystal Potion
Solidified Crystilium Dustbreak Potion
Solidified Crystilium Granite Potion
Solidified Crystilium Marble Potion
Solidified Crystilium Throwing Boost Potion
Solidified Crystilium Twilight Potion
Alchemy Interface
The more complex potions are made from combining these potions two at a time. When you right-click an Alchemy Table the interface will appear, allowing you to place two solidified potions (either the basic type above or the complex ones) for combining.
Once you press the Combine button the resulting potion will appear on the mouse cursor.
Complex Solidified Potions
When you combine solidified potions together the result will be one of the six types of Complex Solidified Potions depending on the effects that are being combined. If a majority of the effects fall into one of the five categories (some of the effects have multiple categories) then that is the type of solidified potion that will be produced. If there is no clear majority then the resulting potion will be labeled "Weird."
Solidified Combat Potion - directly affect offense or defense
Solidified Engineer's Potion - building and mining skills
Solidified Explorer Potion - movement, detection of enemies and traps, avoidance
Solidified Fishing Potion - fishing skills
Solidified Vitality Potion - directly affect health or mana
Solidified Weird Potion - mixed effects
In the example above, a Solidified Regeneration Potion combined with a Solidified Endurance Potion resulted in a Solidified Vitality Potion because both regeneration and increasing maximum health directly affect the player's health.
If effects categories are slightly mixed the potion will be labeled "Flawed." This only changes the effects if they have been stacked as described below.
Note that you can only have one of each of these six types equipped. You cannot, for instance, equip two Solidified Vitality Potions. This is due to Terraria's accessory limitation combined with how this was programmed to allow any of these to be combined.
Solidified-Stacking of Effects
The same effect from a solidified potion and a vanilla drinkable potion will not stack. Nor does the same effect on two different solidified potions stack.
However, if you combine solidified potions that have the same effect then the result may have a slightly stronger effect. There are caps on how high the effects can go.
Combing two Solidified Endurance Potions that reduce damage by 10%.
Resulting solidified potion.
The increase from solidified-stacking is degraded if the potion is "Flawed" or "Weird."
As you combine solidified potions and make ones with more effects (or higher stacked effects) the rarity of the accessory will increase. Once it reaches a certain point (the solidified potion will be labeled "Grand") you can no longer combine it. This limitation can be turned off under the settings menu - click the gear-like icon for it to appear. I wouldn't recommend doing this unless you really want to break your game.
Other Examples
"Master Fishing Potion"
"Master Mining Potion"
"Ultimate Combat Potion"
Remote Administration
To control settings like "The Rules" remotely you will need to place a file on the server. Create a folder called "Mod Configs" in the same place where the other tModLoader folders such as "Mods", "Players" and "Worlds" is. Within that folder put a text file called "SolidifiedPotions.json" with the following content.
Replace "mypassword" with your choice of passwords, no spaces and leave the quote marks. Also be sure to put the curly braces in the file.
When you connect to the server use the chat command "/solidpass mypassword" and you should receive acknowledgement. You can then change the settings. The server will not remember that you are flagged for changing the settings so you will need to use this command each time you connect (and are wanting to change the settings).
Final Notes
There are a couple of tricks that I put in that I leave for players to find.
Future Plans
Create accessories from buff potions that provide the same benefits but with infinite duration. Further combine these accessories into custom combinations to create truly powerful pieces of equipment.
Basic solidified potions for nearly every buff can be made at any placed bottle. Combining the solidified potions themselves requires an Alchemy Table obtained from the Dungeon. Right-click an Alchemy Table to open the reforge-like interface.
If you're not interesting in accessories but are looking for different types of potions then you should know that this is now the home of Khaelis' potions. Also a new set of original potions is in development.
Special thanks to:
doomday83 - This is based on his Compressed Potions mod, with his permission.
Also thanks to:
Khaelis for permission to add his potions to this mod.
jopojelly, bluemagic123, and everyone else who has worked on tModLoader.
DivermanSam for permission to use his potions and help in understanding TremorMod.
Hiccup251 for permission to use his potions from Prefixes for Enemies and for the code behind them.
Graydee for permission to use her potions from Crystilium.
jopojelly, bluemagic123, and everyone else who has worked on tModLoader.
DivermanSam for permission to use his potions and help in understanding TremorMod.
Hiccup251 for permission to use his potions from Prefixes for Enemies and for the code behind them.
Graydee for permission to use her potions from Crystilium.
Honorable mention to bug reporters:
FurSofa, Matakor, ÐarkŁight, Khaelis
tModLoader server
Version 0.5.0 - Jan 30, 2017
- Support for Crystilium potions added. Invisibility potion and Khaelis' Panacea potion can now be solidified.
- A "Preview" setting has been added that you can turn on to see what kind of potion you will create when combining. Like The Rules, this is controlled by the host in multiplayer.
- Remote administration now available. See near bottom of post for details.
- Introducting a new, unique potion: Tim's Anchor Potion. Dramatically increases player's falling speed.
- Complex potions cannot be sold until a tModLoader bug is fixed.
- Tim's Fishing Potion fixed in multiple ways. Also, recipe adjusted.
- Complex potions: Archery effect is now visible, Crate effect should not interfere with modded crates, Prefixes for Enemies' "Reconstruction" effect is now working as intended.
- The order of effects on tooltips has been altered to make life easier for me.
- Rebalanced Conflagration and Frost-Heart effects when solidified-stacked.
- Other minor fixes and adjustments.
There were a lot of changes this time so please let me know if you spot an effect that doesn't seem to be working properly or if a tooltip line actually disappears (they have been reordered so look closely). Dealing with modded potions with effects that overlap (e.g. two effects that both increase melee speed) is more complicated than I thought (mostly in terms of displaying the numbers correctly) and the "nerf" will take a different form. I will be looking at the potions individually and some of the maximum effects may be lowered.
Version 0.4.0 - Jan 20, 2017
- The way that multiplayer syncing is handled has been changed. Many effects that were not reflected on other players' clients now will be. Let me know if you notice any additional lag -- because you shouldn't.
- Khaelis' potions now complete (except for Panacea).
- Khaelis' Fearless potion was actually slowing melee speed. This has been fixed.
- Crate potion effect is now increased when solidified-stacked. I think this is the last potion effect that is not a simple on/off.
- Based on feedback, expert mode increased scaling and caps have been removed. A new expert mode system is in the works.
- Fixed a bug where solidified potions were dropping when Softcore players died. Fixed a related bug where "blank" copies of the solidified potion would appear in multiplayer.
- Introducing a new, unique potion: Tim's Fishing Potion. Gives a chance to catch multiple fish at once. Feedback on cost vs effect is welcome.
- Fixed the reforge that I broke in 0.3.0. Yay?
- Fixed bug where Quick Stack to Nearby Chests in multiplayer caused potions to lose all their stats.
- Solidified-Stacking effects now scale quicker and have higher caps in Expert mode.
- Fixed bug where solidified potions dropped from Mediumcore/Hardcore player death caused potions to lose all their stats.
- In multiplayer The Rules can only be turned off or on by the Host.
- You can now solidify Khaelis' potions (except for Panacea) into Basic solidified potions. Combining into Complex still disabled until further testing is completed.
- Fixed bug where prefixes could be lost if alchemy interface was closed with potions still inside.
- Adjusted some of the bonus effects.
- Altered how bonuses are determined for certain effects.
- Adjusted Battle potion effect scaling.
- Fixed multiplayer interface bug.
- Khaelis' "regular" potions have been added to the mod. Solidifying them not implemented yet.
- Changed chain colors around a bit. Concept is iron->bronze->silver->gold->colored.
- Added support for ThoriumMod's buff potions.
- Added support for Prefixes for Enemies' buff potions.
- Fixed Archery potion effect to only work with arrows.
- Battle and Calming potion effects are now increased when solified-stacked.
- Shine potion effect can now solified-stack for brighter light. Note: may cause your character to look unnatural.
- Heartreach should now reach farther when solified-stacked.
- Titan now causes more knockback when solified-stacked.
- Mod should work with multiplayer now.
- Updated to tModLoader 0.9.1
- Initial release
Next Release
Expert mode. NPC maybe?
Compatibility Notes
MoreAccessories+ expansion slot should work fully in multiplayer.
CheatSheet's expansion slots are NOT fully multiplayer compatible.
Reforging via HERO's Mod causes items to lose their stats.
CheatSheet's expansion slots are NOT fully multiplayer compatible.
Reforging via HERO's Mod causes items to lose their stats.
Khaelis' Potions
These are regular drinkable potions that can be created at a placed bottle or Alchemy Table. All the credit for these goes to @Khaelis. I'm simply giving them a good home.
Original Potions
Potions that I am in the process of developing.
Basic Solidified Potions
The basic accessories are made from 30 of the particular buff potion and a chain.
Notes about potion effects:
- Invisibility potion will decrease the player's aggro in addition to making them transparent. The more that the effect is solidified-stacked the less aggro and the more transparent the player will be. When hit there is a time period where the player will be fully visible. The length of time also decreases with solidified-stacking.
Notes about Thorium potion effects:
- Conflagration Potion's damage and health regen reduction will decrease as the effect is solidified-stacked.
- Frost-Heart Elixir will constantly slow the player by 10%. A stronger freezing effect will be applied when the solidified potion is equipped, when it is removed, and every half minute. While the freezing effect is in place the player receives the buff's full effects. The increase in defense and health regen are halved the rest of the time.
Notes about Cosmic potion effects:
- These are potentially very powerful effects. When solidified-stacked they hit their maximum effect sooner than most other effects.
Notes about Khaelis' potion effects:
- Panacea potion will periodically remove debuffs. The time between removals decreases as the potion is solidified-stacked.
Alchemy Interface
The more complex potions are made from combining these potions two at a time. When you right-click an Alchemy Table the interface will appear, allowing you to place two solidified potions (either the basic type above or the complex ones) for combining.
Once you press the Combine button the resulting potion will appear on the mouse cursor.
Complex Solidified Potions
When you combine solidified potions together the result will be one of the six types of Complex Solidified Potions depending on the effects that are being combined. If a majority of the effects fall into one of the five categories (some of the effects have multiple categories) then that is the type of solidified potion that will be produced. If there is no clear majority then the resulting potion will be labeled "Weird."
In the example above, a Solidified Regeneration Potion combined with a Solidified Endurance Potion resulted in a Solidified Vitality Potion because both regeneration and increasing maximum health directly affect the player's health.
If effects categories are slightly mixed the potion will be labeled "Flawed." This only changes the effects if they have been stacked as described below.
Note that you can only have one of each of these six types equipped. You cannot, for instance, equip two Solidified Vitality Potions. This is due to Terraria's accessory limitation combined with how this was programmed to allow any of these to be combined.
Solidified-Stacking of Effects
The same effect from a solidified potion and a vanilla drinkable potion will not stack. Nor does the same effect on two different solidified potions stack.
However, if you combine solidified potions that have the same effect then the result may have a slightly stronger effect. There are caps on how high the effects can go.
The increase from solidified-stacking is degraded if the potion is "Flawed" or "Weird."
As you combine solidified potions and make ones with more effects (or higher stacked effects) the rarity of the accessory will increase. Once it reaches a certain point (the solidified potion will be labeled "Grand") you can no longer combine it. This limitation can be turned off under the settings menu - click the gear-like icon for it to appear. I wouldn't recommend doing this unless you really want to break your game.
Other Examples
Remote Administration
To control settings like "The Rules" remotely you will need to place a file on the server. Create a folder called "Mod Configs" in the same place where the other tModLoader folders such as "Mods", "Players" and "Worlds" is. Within that folder put a text file called "SolidifiedPotions.json" with the following content.
"SolidPass": "mypassword"
Replace "mypassword" with your choice of passwords, no spaces and leave the quote marks. Also be sure to put the curly braces in the file.
When you connect to the server use the chat command "/solidpass mypassword" and you should receive acknowledgement. You can then change the settings. The server will not remember that you are flagged for changing the settings so you will need to use this command each time you connect (and are wanting to change the settings).
Final Notes
There are a couple of tricks that I put in that I leave for players to find.
Future Plans
- Breaking solidified potions. I'm going to add the option of destroying a solidified potion and getting (some of?) the components back.
- Adding an NPC for various uses.
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