Some more Lore


Official Terrarian
Chapter 3: Bosses
King Slime
When Cthulhu first used his powers after transforming, he was playing around with a tiny slime that was smaller than the others, and did not get much respect. Cthulhu placed a small ornate crown upon the slime’s head, and declared it the king of all slimes. It instantly grew enormous and towered over his brethren. This was the birth of King Slime.

Queen Bee
Queen Bee started as an ordinary Queen Bee for a normal hive. However, one day, as she was exiting her hive, Cthulhu and the Dryads fought near her home. As they got nearer, the Dryads ripped out Cthulhu’s eye. Queen Bee ate some of the flesh of the eye, and began to mutate until she was bigger than any bee. She rules in the underground hives of the jungle with her fragile larvae, until a player dares to break it and unleash the jungle’s wrath…

The Eater and The Brain
The Eater of Worlds was once Cthulhu’s beloved pet, capable of swallowing entire cities. But when the Dryads came, they also killed Cthulhu’s pet and banished his soul to the underground corruption, linked to the mysterious Shadow Orbs. Many say that if you are to smash three of the orbs, you will release the Eater once more.
The Brain of Cthulhu, or Cthulhu’s Brain, was ripped out of Cthulhu’s skull and linked to the Crimson Hearts of the Crimson. They say that, like the Eater, if you are to smash three hearts, you will rebirth The Brain of Cthulhu to wreak havoc unless stopped again.

The Wall of Flesh
The Wall of Flesh is the guardian of Light and Dark, the core of the world. Defeating this beast releases those forces into the world, creating the Hallow. These forces then search for another worthy enough to handle them. The Wall of Flesh, according to ancient legends, can be awoken by the sacrifice of one close to you: The Guide.

The Mechanical Bosses
The three mechanical bosses were made by the Mechanic, down in the Dungeon, for Cthulhu as replacements for his organs that were destroyed or banished. There was: Skeletron Prime, as a replacement for Skeletron, The Twins, a replacement for Cthulhu’s eyes, and The Destroyer, as a replacement for his pet the Eater.

Skeletron Prime
Skeletron Prime, the stronger counterpart to Skeletron, was given four arms instead of the normal two, topped with a weapon of mass destruction. There was: The Prime Vice, capable of pulling or lifting anything, The Prime Saw, able to cut through every block in the world, The Prime Cannon, able to blow an entire world to pieces, and The Prime Laser, stronger than any weapon.

The Destroyer
The Destroyer was a replica of his favorite pet, The Eater of Worlds. It was embedded with ruby-red probes that could shoot deadly lasers, and built with an advanced digging system that could dig through anything. His mechanical armor was designed to be invulnerable, but the Mechanic didn’t, as she knew there were heroes that needed to destroy this boss, so she made it strong, but not invincible.

The Twins

The Twins, made as eyes for Cthulhu, had eerie powers over many things. The first eye, Spazmatism, could shoot cursed flames that could never be extinguished. The other eye, Retanizer, was able to fire deadly lasers. They were covered in a delicate metal that made them look like normal eyes for Cthulhu, but when the metals are broken, their visage underneath could make even the strongest heroes cower.

The Golem

Lihzhardian scrolls tell of Golem, the stony-faced idol of the Lihzahrd Tribe. The legends say it can only be summoned by the precious Lihzahrd Power Cells, having to be pried from the denizens of the Golem Temple. The Golem was known for his amazing and awe-inspiring technologies and weapons. Many argue that the Golem was a machine, but others believed he was simply made of stone. No one dares to find out, so it remains unclear.

Duke Fishron

Duke Fishron, the aquatic menace, was made by the Moon Lord, as a gift to Cthulhu. Cthulhu told Moon that he had to use his powers greatly, so Moon led Cthulhu to the ocean. He used his powers, combining a dragon, a fish, and a boar, into the first Fishron. He gave it to Cthulhu, and he named it Duke. He released it into the deep as Duke Fishron, the underwater beast.

Turkor the Ungrateful

Cthulhu and Moon once got together and viewed the holidays. They noticed the holiday of thanksgiving, and Moon decided to make a turkey in honor of the small holiday. As he was making it, Cthulhu called for him, and he left the turkey and its head on a table. While he and Cthulhu observed more, the turkey and the head ran off. Moon saw it wreak havoc on the earth, and named it Turkor the Ungrateful, as he grew into evil.


Once again, Moon and Cthulhu got together and observed the tradition of Easter. They observed mothers telling children about the “Easter Bunny”. So Moon and Cthulhu made a soft pink bunny, then instilled it with evil, gave it ratlike features, and released it to terrorize children and heroes around Easter.
I make it, some ideas I get from the 8 years of terraria lore, some from other people, and most of it from in my head
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