Game Mechanics Something to "unmown" the grass

Having the a similar issue on my world rn with me attempting to get rid of some hallowed mowed grass, so I support it.

Does using the clentaminator to turn it to corruption and back to purity work though? Haven’t tested it yet but I’m curious if it does
I think being able to unmow by using right click while holding a lawnmower would be the best. Doesn't make that much logical sense, but it's convenient.
Could be an option for a combined item, but, then that might overcomplicate things.

Anyway, what comes to mind for a suggestion like this is one of those seed spreading carts, that has a thing which spins and spreads seeds as you push it.
Ya know, the actual device that would be used is a Seed Layer. If we don’t want to implement it and don’t want to just go be the function to the SoR, we could give the Seedler sword the use. It would be funny if nothing else.
Imagine the devs secretly release this feature in the next update, and we get a bunch of forum posts about the Seedler ruining golf courses XD
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