tModLoader [Dead] Wyvernium Mod

Can't wait for this mod to come out. I will try to tell some Terraria Modded youtubers. like HappyDays, ChippyGaming, and Gameraiders101 to play this mod.
Sad Announcement, Wyvernium is stuck for now, sadly Iriazul is gone, I and Echo dont know how to code the Bosses and other stuff we need at the moment, but Im trying my best to do stuff here! So dont worry, This will never die, I hope
He will be back Monday, don't despair :D
Breaking News, Update 0.1 and 0.2 will be merged due to lack of work for me for 0.1 I will add planned content from 0.2 to 0.1! btw look at the beautiful Radiant Sky!
that little pillar hovering over you is REALLY cute, can't wait!
If there are going to be 3 new pillars. Does that mean that someday there will be dimensions for those pillars. Also when do you think the first release will be, and will the pillars be in them. Could the Black Hole pillar be harder than Solar? :p
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