PC Spooky armor needs a buff

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After over 400 tests with each and every buff possible for summoners i can say that the spooky armor is just not worth farming for as of
The reason you ask?
Well the fact that it has 1 minion less than tiki armor, sum to the fact that i has less armor makes it almost a downgrade.
Some of you: Well but it does give more damage.
In the several tests they killed every single boss at either the same time or spooky having up to 5 seconds less.
Some of you: Then it does give more damage
Yeah yeah i know but at what cost? Half of the times it kills at the same time, and even with the chance of being 5 seconds faster it's just not worth to lose 8 points of armor for it.
So what do you guys think?
Nothing too much powerful, just enough so that you can clearly see it's better.
Here is some buffs that i already calculated:
Buff the minion cap by 2 so i has more minions then Tiki armor and the time will go from 5 to 17 maybe 20 seconds.
Buff the damage to 65% and the time goes to about 15 seconds.
Buff the armor to 40 or 38 so you're stronger then Tiki.
Buff the minion cap by 1 the damage to 60% and the armor to 30 making it still more vunerable then Tiki but not much and making the time go well past 10 seconds.
In my opinion the last one is probably the best
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Couldn't agree more OP. I think a simple armor boost will do. or a unique effect like healing 1 hp per minion strike.
it needs something though... its pretty bad.

and those 'dodge' whiners grate on my nerves...
maybe they should nerf beetle armor by 40 because 'just dodge'. elitist attitudes meh.

another fix is the cheezy summon buff gear swapping. summons need to adjust depending on current gear and buffs not gear worn when summoned.
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inb4 @Razor Knight and hardcore fanatics says something about how dodging is all you need

What does this even have to do with the topic? Dodging is a contributor to survival; it does not win battles. The debate here is mostly concerning the damage output of Spooky vs Tiki.

It's not necessarily an elitist attitude either. There's so many people that ask for help and they expect to be able to kill things will little contribution (example, standing still and stabbing the Destroyer). The response to this from individuals like you're trying to pull out is 'try dodging'.
inb4 @Razor Knight and hardcore fanatics says something about how dodging is all you need

Thanks for saying that for me, now I don't have to be the evil, obnoxious elitist in this thread, you've done us evil, obnoxious elitists a good service and shall be rewarded accordingly. %-_-

But yes, as the wise ranger up there said (it was a statement, not a callout looking to spark an argument, of course, as he is beyond such actions) the armor trades off defense for damage, favoring dodging over static gameplay - then again, summoner "class" may be the more dodge-reliant "class" in the game unless you use weapons from other "classes" to help the fight.

Don't see a need for buffing, but if it happens, it happens, I will still be able to murderstomp things with the spooky armor by letting minions harass enemies while I take them apart with a megashark.
It has more damage than the Tiki armor, and in my opinion, Spooky Armor is way better.

So, I completely disagree


Besides, more damage does the job quicker, having more minions don't.

So, if I was you, I would choose Quality over Quanity
Strictly concerning the topic (because I had to jump ship early), there is a major flaw with Spooky armour.

When summoning a familiar, its stats retain indefinitely until you de-summon it, regardless of whether you change your gear or not. People aware of this can exploit it to to their advantage; what is optimal is first equipping spooky armour as well as summoning/baseless damage accessories, summoning the familiars, equip Tiki armour and summon another, replace any summoner (and baseless if you want) damage boosts that do not contribute to minion count and carry on living sweet. I'm ignoring the defence difference here because enemies at this point in the game hit so damn hard that you need over 80 defence to make a considerable difference in damage received.

Even without this anomaly, the damage bonus from Spooky is too small to compete with Tiki. Add in the fact that it is of higher tier too. However, I don't necessarily want Spooky to be flat-out better than Tiki. Tiki contributes to a defensive play-style (with its many minions to protect you), so Spooky should contribute to an aggressive play-style. How to do that, I have no idea, but I'm putting the thought out there.
yep. summoners need more armor. getting 7 extra minions doesn't balance the fact that you can be killed in three hits by most bosses. melee seems to be the only armor that gives enough defense.
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