Tool Sprite Transformer - Quickly transform Body sprite sheets from 1.3 to 1.4



Hello everyone
Here is a very small tool for people that want to transfer their body and arm sprite sheets from 1.3 version and below to the new format that exist in version 1.4.

Usage is extremely easy, all you have to do is input your Body, Arm and Female Body into specified fields, select output file and click Transform.

Bez nazwy.png

  • Java 7 or later
Sprite Transformer v1 (exe) - Windows 7, 8, 10
Sprite Transformer v1 (jar) - Mac/Linux/Windows

Noitce that this tool's output file, in most cases, should be treated as a template for further work, not a final sprite, many changes that have been done to the new body sprites in 1.4 were mostly hand drawn, which are not so easy to overcome via simple program.

Currently this program supports only 40x1120 format for input and 360x224 for output.
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Is it safe to say this tool is kind of redundant? If you're making new armor, you can do it simultaneously in armorhelper and on a regular 1.4 sheet. If you already have a complete armorhelper or _Body and _Arm sheet, then the task is as simple as copypasting, without any jank from the automated process, seeing as the entire righthand side of the sheet, as well as the vertical arm sprite on the first row fourth column, are incomplete and are missing so much as an outline to fill in.
The current 1.4 base chest sheet (Found here.) is compatible with a lot of the ArmorHelper sheet (Found here.) and all of it can be copypasted over to form an almost complete sheet.
Is it safe to say this tool is kind of redundant?

Well yes. But only if you
1. have made it with armorhelper
2. then have (or have access to) the ah sheet or
3. Feel like doing more copy and pasting - after you’ve saved on that with ah

so yeah. You decide if you want to use it. I certainly do
I'd say the user overlap between people who use tools for making armor is likely to be pretty high. The copy and pasting is still minimal regardless of what you do, though. If you happen to not be the spriter in charge of porting over these sheets, you also have to explain what's missing fully, and since there's no guidelines they'll still have to line up the shoulder pad, make the outlines for the rest of the vertical arm sprites and fill them in, correct the chest and hands themselves, that kinda stuff.

The tool is definitely serviceable, but I don't find it any faster than just copy and pasting over parts of the AH or compiled sheet. That's all.
I knew it was a matter of time before someone would make a converter for 1.3>1.4 armor sprite sheets, noice!

Lets just imagine for a minute that you have a ton of armors you wanna quickly convert, this tool is ideal for that
I know it's been awhile since you posted this, but I was wondering if you might fix the download links? They appear to be broken Edit: Sorry for the false alarm, Google Chrome really struggles with the download, but other browsers work just fine.
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Just a note for anyone using this: Make sure your images are in 32-bit depth! Otherwise it will bug out and the output will be corrupted with a black background and strange dithering on the sprites. Took us a long time to figure out this was the cause. It is very picky about the image data format, but if you give it the right input it works wonders!
I'm curious if this is being worked on anymore? Using sprites that are slightly larger than normal, the tool cuts them off when creating the 1.4 sheet.
Is there by any chance to get one of these but transforms a 1.4 sheet into a 1.3 sheet to where the arms are attached to the body sheet?
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