Blocks & Decoration [Sprites] Fallen star furniture





Sorry but I don't see how the sets look too similar. Skyware is rounder and uses mostly teal with small amounts of yellow accents whereas Starshine uses a deep purple to blue palette and gold more equally with a pointier design.
I do see what you are saying and by contrast you can tell the two sets from each other, I just felt that personally for me they are too similar in style and by extent the colour scheme used. The examples you have show are different but in terms of decoration the blue/golden scheme is reminiscent of sky furnature. This is also more so for the blocks than the furniture. I think you misunderstood me, I love your set but personally I see them as only an extension to the existing sky furniture.

This is only my opinion but honestly it is only a trivial issue, I would not be upset to see this in-game :]
OMG......WANT! WANT! WANT! They MUST put these in the updates, I love these! Also, would there be a sink for this set too? Now that there are sinks, a fallen star sink would complete it! I am a fallen star collector and I often run across map at night picking up every star I find. I have a TON of them lining my chests and not even my Star Cannon puts a dent in my massive supply. I would have enough stars to make many sets of these! Must tell mods about this!
That is totally awesome, i totally want that on the next update.:D My skybridge to collect stars is finally gonna have more use( i currently just farm stars to kill bosses with my star cannon )
I think the furniture you made looks really good. There is, as people have already pointed out, star-like furniture, so I guess this could also be used to reskin the Skyware furniture, as it looks a bit outdated and bland compared to other items.
Never understsood why this doesn't exist. Support
Heck, now this has been done for fallen stars I would't mind seeing Life Crystal blocks & furniture :p
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