PC Steamrolling Through 1.3: Introducing Steam Integration

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How come this wasn't posted as news or something on Terraria.org? As a matter of fact, has anything newsworthy happened since February?
Some people find it easy, some find it hard. I think its one of those things that sounds really complicated, but really isn't. Personally, I find it difficult to understand. It helps if you have a good knowledge of computers and networking.
Who is saying, that this is the only content, that will be added? They worked so long on 1.3, that there will be a ton of new content.
If you think about it, 1.2.4 was at first meant to be a part of the 1.3 update.
I am sure, that they will add at least 3 new bosses. I mean, 1.2 had 4 new bosses and 1.3 is much bigger of an update.
I see where your coming with this.. Im currently designing a 4th mount just for fun,wanna take a look at the design?
I know a great idea for 1.3!!! This might upset hoverboard lovers what please listen! There should be a jetpack called the "shroom-pack" which looks like a jetpack but is actually powered by glowing mushrooms! I think it should use 1 glowing mushorom per 0.5 seconds and the ascent speed not too high or else it would be too OP. To craft it it should be: 18 Shroomite bars, 1 jetpack, 20 souls of flight, and a 50 glowing mushrooms. If u like this idea please like and reply!
This suggestion of yours belongs in the suggestions part of the forums. Not here.
Who is saying, that this is the only content, that will be added? They worked so long on 1.3, that there will be a ton of new content.
If you think about it, 1.2.4 was at first meant to be a part of the 1.3 update.
I am sure, that they will add at least 3 new bosses. I mean, 1.2 had 4 new bosses and 1.3 is much bigger of an update.
I'm sure someone has said this already, but NO ONE is saying this is all they are adding. We all know that there will be much more from such a huge update. Like granite and such. Yay.
i'd say #Legit considering our poor dews would be too lazy to implement something like all this as a joke...Cenx im looking at you
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